Grigori -

Some ways to pursue...

Check the dsmerror.log on the client for possible error indications.

Assure that the TSM server parameters for the client have it going at client 
port 1501 for the session, and not some odd port.

From the TSM server system, at an OS prompt, do 'telnet <ClientNetname> 1501':
When you do Ctrl+], then press Enter to get the "telnet>" prompt, and then 
quit, the client dsmerror log should contain like:
  04/13/10   07:13:24 sessInit: Starting communications initialization
  04/13/10   07:13:24 sessInit: Transitioning: sInit state ===> sTRANSERR state
This verifies physical connectability from server to client, as in no 
firewalling preventing access.

Use the TSM server command 'DEFine CLIENTAction' to perform a test command 
which will leave evidence on the client, such as a command to report time of 
day, directed to a file.  (DEFine CLIENTAction may take a while to kick off, so 
give it some time.)

    Richard Sims

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