Hi Grigori,

Thanks for the info. I don't see anything wrong. I think I have been able
to reproduce your symptom, though, and it would seem that this is a defect.
For a workaround, try using an explicit TCPCLIENTPORT setting, such as
1502, for one of your scheduler services. You will need to make sure that
the port is available.

The TSM client never supported port sharing. Rather, if a given port is in
use and you do not specify TCPCLIENTPORT, the client is supposed to try to
find another available port. This behavior is transparent, and you would
most likely not have noticed it before unless you were looking for it.

Best regards,


Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Product Development
Level 3 Team Lead
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Hartford/i...@ibmus
Internet e-mail: stor...@us.ibm.com

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager support web page:

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
"Good enough" is the enemy of excellence.

"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@vm.marist.edu> wrote on 2010-04-14

> [image removed]
> Re: Scheduler problem
> Grigori Solonovitch
> to:
> 2010-04-14 01:49
> Sent by:
> "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@vm.marist.edu>
> Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"
> Hello Andy,
> Thank you very much for detailed request. I will try to provide you
> all information.
> > Do you have any other 6.2 clients on Windows? If "yes", do they
> experience the problem?
> I have a few servers with single CAD and single scheduler from TSM
> Client All of them running fine.
> At the same time, I have two servers, running MS SQL database, with
> single CAD service and two schedulers related to dedicated TSM nodes.
> I have realized I have problem on the both of them:
> 1) on the first server, which was reported to ADSM-L, regular backup
> for operating system is missed every day, but there is no problem
> with MS SQL backup;
> 2) on the second server, regular backup is running fine, but MS SQL
> backup is missed every day.
> >  How many CAD instances are installed, and how many scheduler
> instances are installed (you should use one CAD per node, and each
> unique TSM application should have its own node).
> Unfortunately, I have only one CAD service and two schedulers (for
> regular and TDP nodes). Maybe it is a wrong configuration, but it
> was used for many years with TSM Client 5.X, 6.1.0, 6.1.1.X, 6.1.2.X
> and 6.1.3.X without any problems. Only after upgrading to we
> faced problems.
> > Can you show the output from the command "dsmcutil list"
> Command: 'list'
> Command: List Installed TSM Client Services
> Machine: SMS-PRODSRV(Local Machine)
> Installed TSM Client Services:
>    1. TSM Client Acceptor
>    2. TSM Client Scheduler MSSQL_SMS-PRODSRV
>    3. TSM Client Scheduler SMS-PRODSRV
>    4. TSM Journal Service
>    5. TSM Remote Client Agent
> 5 TSM Client Services were located.
> > For each service identified in the "dsmcutil list" command, show
> the output from "dsmcutil query /name:"xxxxxxx"
> Command: 'query CAD /name:"TSM Client Acceptor"'
> Command: Query TSM Client Service Parameters
> Machine: SMS-PRODSRV(Local Machine)
> Connecting to service 'TSM Client Acceptor' ...
> Service Configuration/Status:
> Service Name   : TSM Client Acceptor
> Image Path     : "C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmcad.exe"
> Logon Account  : LocalSystem
> Start Type     : Auto
> Current Status : Started
> TSM Client Service Registry Settings:
> Client Service Type = Client Acceptor Service
> Partner Service     = TSM Remote Client Agent
> Cad Schedule Service = (value not currently set)
> HTTP Port           = 1581
> Secure HTTP Port    = (value not currently set)
> Web Ports           = (value not currently set)
> Options file        = C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt
> TSM Client Node     = SMS-PRODSRV
> Command: 'query SCHEDULER /name:"TSM Client Scheduler MSSQL_SMS-PRODSRV"'
> Command: Query TSM Client Service Parameters
> Machine: SMS-PRODSRV(Local Machine)
> Connecting to service 'TSM Client Scheduler MSSQL_SMS-PRODSRV' ...
> Service Configuration/Status:
> Service Name   : TSM Client Scheduler MSSQL_SMS-PRODSRV
> Image Path     : "C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmcsvc.exe"
> Logon Account  : LocalSystem
> Start Type     : Auto
> Current Status : Stopped
> TSM Client Service Registry Settings:
> Client Service Type = Client Scheduler Service
> Options file        = C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\TDPSql\dsm.opt
> TSM Client Node     = MSSQL_SMS-PRODSRV
> Event Logging       = YES
> Comm Protocol       = (value not currently set)
> Server              = (value not currently set)
> Server Port         = (value not currently set)
> Schedule Log        = C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\TDPSql\sqlsched.log
> Error Log           = C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmerror.log
> Cluster Enabled     = (value not currently set)
> Cluster Name        = (value not currently set)
> Command: 'query SCHEDULER /name:"TSM Client Scheduler SMS-PRODSRV"'
> Command: Query TSM Client Service Parameters
> Machine: SMS-PRODSRV(Local Machine)
> Connecting to service 'TSM Client Scheduler SMS-PRODSRV' ...
> Service Configuration/Status:
> Service Name   : TSM Client Scheduler SMS-PRODSRV
> Image Path     : "C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmcsvc.exe"
> Logon Account  : LocalSystem
> Start Type     : Auto
> Current Status : Started
> TSM Client Service Registry Settings:
> Client Service Type = Client Scheduler Service
> Options file        = C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt
> TSM Client Node     = SMS-PRODSRV
> Event Logging       = YES
> Comm Protocol       = (value not currently set)
> Server              = (value not currently set)
> Server Port         = (value not currently set)
> Schedule Log        = C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmsched.log
> Error Log           = C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmerror.log
> Cluster Enabled     = (value not currently set)
> Cluster Name        = (value not currently set)
> Command: 'query JOURNAL /name:"TSM Journal Service"'
> Command: Query TSM Client Service Parameters
> Machine: SMS-PRODSRV(Local Machine)
> Connecting to service 'TSM Journal Service' ...
> Service Configuration/Status:
> Service Name   : TSM Journal Service
> Image Path     : "C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\tsmjbbd.exe"
> Logon Account  : LocalSystem
> Start Type     : Auto
> Current Status : Started
> TSM Client Service Registry Settings:
> Client Service Type = Journal Service
> Journal Config File = (value not currently set)
> Event Logging       = YES
> Command: 'query REMOTE /name:"TSM Remote Client Agent"'
> Command: Query TSM Client Service Parameters
> Machine: SMS-PRODSRV(Local Machine)
> Connecting to service 'TSM Remote Client Agent' ...
> Service Configuration/Status:
> Service Name   : TSM Remote Client Agent
> Image Path     : "C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmagent.exe"
> Logon Account  : LocalSystem
> Start Type     : Auto
> Current Status : Stopped
> TSM Client Service Registry Settings:
> Client Service Type = Remote Client Agent Service
> Partner Service     = TSM Remote Client Agent
> Options file        = C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt
> TSM Client Node     = SMS-PRODSRV
> > What does the options file for each CAD look like? - for single CAD:
> NODENAME                            SMS-PRODSRV
> TCPSERVERADDRESS                   tsmsrv1.bkme.com
> schedmode                      prompted
> EXCLUDE.BACKUP "*:\microsoft uam volume\...\*"
> EXCLUDE.BACKUP "*:\microsoft uam volume\...\*.*"
> EXCLUDE.BACKUP "*:\...\system32\config\...\*"
> EXCLUDE.BACKUP "*:\...\system32\Perflib*.dat"
> EXCLUDE.BACKUP "*:\...\system32\dhcp\...\*"
> INCLUDE.BACKUP "*:\...\system32\dhcp\backup\...\*"
> EXCLUDE.BACKUP "*:\...\system32\dns\...\*"
> INCLUDE.BACKUP "*:\...\system32\dns\backup\...\*"
> EXCLUDE.ARCHIVE "*:\microsoft uam volume\...\*"
> EXCLUDE.ARCHIVE "*:\microsoft uam volume\...\*.*"
> EXCLUDE.ARCHIVE "*:\...\system32\config\...\*"
> EXCLUDE.ARCHIVE "*:\...\system32\Perflib*.dat"
> EXCLUDE.ARCHIVE "*:\...\system32\dhcp\...\*"
> INCLUDE.ARCHIVE "*:\...\system32\dhcp\backup\...\*"
> EXCLUDE.ARCHIVE "*:\...\system32\dns\...\*"
> INCLUDE.ARCHIVE "*:\...\system32\dns\backup\...\*"
> EXCLUDE.DIR "*:\System Volume Information"
> EXCLUDE.DIR "*:\...\Temporary Internet Files"
> EXCLUDE.DIR "*:\Recycled"
> EXCLUDE.DIR "*:\Recycler"
> EXCLUDE.DIR "*:\$Recycle.Bin"
> What does the options file for each scheduler look like?
> For the regular scheduler - see CADs dsm.opt.
> For MS SQL Scheduler:
> *======================================================================*
> *                                                                      *
> * IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases                             *
> *                                                                      *
> * Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server                             *
> *                                                                      *
> * Sample Options File                                                  *
> *                                                                      *
> *======================================================================*
> NODename          MSSQL_SMS-PRODSRV
> CLUSTERnode       NO
> PASSWORDAccess    Generate
> *======================================================================*
> * TCP/IP Communication Options                                         *
> *======================================================================*
> COMMMethod        TCPip
> TCPServeraddress  tsmsrv1.bkme.com
> TCPPort           1500
> TCPWindowsize     63
> TCPBuffSize       32
> *======================================================================*
> * Named Pipes Communication Options                                    *
> *======================================================================*
> *COMMMethod       NAMEdpipe
> *NAMedpipename      \\.\pipe\tsmpipe
> *======================================================================*
> * - Compression Options                                                *
> *                                                                      *
> *   Use the "COMPRESSION" option to compress the data before sending   *
> *   it to the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server. Use the               *
> *   "COMPRESSALWAYS" option to specify whether to continue compressing *
> *   the data if it grows during compression.                           *
> *                                                                      *
> *======================================================================*
> *COMPRESSAlways    NO
> *======================================================================*
> *                                                                      *
> * - Scheduling Options                                                 *
> *                                                                      *
> *   The default scheduling mode is the client polling method.          *
> *   To use server prompted scheduling, you must be sure to use a tcp   *
> *   client port different than the one used by the regular backup      *
> *   client.                                                            *
> *                                                                      *
> *======================================================================*
> SCHEDMODE             Prompted
> *SCHEDLOGRetention     14
> *SCHEDMODE             Prompted
> *TCPCLIENTPORT         1502
> *======================================================================*
> * Include/Exclude Processing                                           *
> *                                                                      *
> * For a more complete description of include/exclude processing refer  *
> * to the Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server Installation and     *
> * User's Guide.                                                        *
> *======================================================================*
> *======================================================================*
> * The following include statements assign all meta objects to          *
> * management class SqlDbMetaMgmtClass and all data objects to          *
> * SqlDbDataMgmtClass                                                   *
> *======================================================================*
> INCLUDE "\...\meta\...\*"     MSSQL
> INCLUDE "\...\data\...\*"     MSSQL
> *======================================================================*
> * The following include statements assign all log meta objects to      *
> * management class SqlLogMetaMgmtClass and all log data objects to     *
> * SqlLogDataMgmtClass                                                  *
> *======================================================================*
> INCLUDE "\...\meta\...\log*"  MSSQL
> INCLUDE "\...\data\...\log*"  MSSQL
> *======================================================================*
> * The following exclude statements exclude all log backups for         *
> * databases master and msdb                                            *
> *======================================================================*
> *EXCLUDE "\...\master\...\log*"
> *EXCLUDE "\...\msdb\...\log*"
> *======================================================================*
> * The following exclude statement excludes the "db1" database          *
> * from being compressed (if compression is enabled for backups.)       *
> *======================================================================*
> *EXCLUDE.COMPRESSION "\...\db1\...\*"
> > Check all *.log files for any anomalous errors that could be
> indicative of the problem.
> Unfortunately, there are no any indicative errors in all logs.
> I have stopped TDP for SQL scheduler and regular backup has
> completed successfully today.
> I think TSM Client does not support port sharing, which is
> supported by Windows.
> Previous clients were supporting it.
> Regards,
> Grigori G. Solonovitch
> Senior Technical Architect
> Information Technology  Ahli United Bank Kuwait
> Phone: (+965) 2231-2274  Mobile: (+965) 99798073  E-Mail:
> grigori.solonovi...@ahliunited.com
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