How you connect to the disk storage (i.e., SCSI or SAN) doesn't matter.  This 
goes more to the issue of how blocks within the volumes are laid out on the 
spindles.  formatting them one at a time will cause the blocks to be laid out 
in a more sequential fashion, so that when TSM references the blocks, they will 
be referenced in a more sequential fashion (assuming you are doing mostly 
sequential I/O).


At 02:02 PM 10/20/2010, Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU wrote:
>Thanks for the affirmation.  This is what I have been seeing/experiencing. 
> As soon as I can empty the stgpool (5TB), I will define fixed volumes and 
>see how much difference that makes.   I am aware of the issue of 
>single-threading the define/formats to not fragment them, however I wonder 
>how much that really matters in a SAN?
>Zoltan Forray
>TSM Software & Hardware Administrator
>Virginia Commonwealth University
>UCC/Office of Technology Services
> - 804-828-4807
>Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will 
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>Markus Engelhard <>
>10/20/2010 09:20 AM
>[ADSM-L] Lousy performance on new server with SAN/FILEDEVCLASS 
>Sent by:
>"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
>Hi Zoltan,
>my experience has been: use fixed size preformatted volumes, and be sure 
>format them sequentially, even if it seems to take a hell of a time. But
>then, it´s a one-time action and highly automated, so just don´t try to
>boost "performance" here. Make sure no one else is bogging perfs, SAN guys
>sometimes tend to put all kinds of unassorted loads on one storage array
>producing massive hot-spots during TSM activities.
>Kind regards,
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Paul Zarnowski                            Ph: 607-255-4757
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