The problem you will run into on Windows is that if the scheduler runs as a
service under the
default system account accessing the shares won't be possible, you will
need to configure
the service to log in under an account which can access the CIFS shares.

If the NetApp filer is configured to be a trusted domain member (and the
account the scheduler service
runs under is a domain admin) you should be able to backup the shares
directly via the UNC names.

If the filer isn't a trusted domain member it is a little more difficult as
you must supply credentials
in order to authenticate the shares with the filer, and as previously
suggested this can be done
with NET USE commands in a pre-schedule command.

Hope this helps .....

Pete Tanenhaus
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
tieline: 320.8778, external: 607.754.4213

"Those who refuse to challenge authority are condemned to conform to it"

| From:      |
  |David Bronder <>                                      
| To:        |
| Date:      |
  |06/28/2011 06:52 PM                                                          
| Subject:   |
  |Re: Re: snapdiff advice                                                      
| Sent by:   |
  |"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <>                             

Thanks, Bill.  I was coming to the conclusion that this would have to be
scripted, at least for the CIFS shares.  Do you leave the various shares
mapped/used, or do you "net use /delete" them at the end of your script?

I might experiment with a PRESCHEDULECMD script to do the "net use" bits
and then add the shares to the DOMAIN (if that works -- I'm totally not
a Windows admin).  Though I suppose it'd be wiser to script the entire
thing, as you did, so there's only one place to add or remove filespaces.


Colwell, William F. wrote:
> I can't comment on your error messages, but you asked how I schedule
> snapdiff backups.
> The schedule invokes a command on the client.  Here is a shortened
> version of the command file.
> echo on
> for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (set
> echo %date%
> net use <share-name>
> ... 12 more net use statements ...
> dsmc i -snapdiff <share-name> -optfile=dsm-unix1.opt >>
> c:\backuplogs\xxx\snapdiff-%date%.txt
> ... 12 more dsmc commands ...
> dsmc i c:                     -optfile=dsm-unix1.opt >>
> c:\backuplogs\vscan64\local-%date%.txt
> The last line backs up the local file system.

Hello World.                                    David Bronder - Systems
Segmentation Fault                                      ITS-EI, Univ. of
Core dumped, disk trashed, quota filled, soda warm.

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