Pete Tanenhaus wrote:
> The problem you will run into on Windows is that if the scheduler runs as a
> service under the
> default system account accessing the shares won't be possible, you will
> need to configure
> the service to log in under an account which can access the CIFS shares.

That's a good point.  I'll have to work out with our NetApp admins and
Windows admins how they want to handle this.

> If the NetApp filer is configured to be a trusted domain member (and the
> account the scheduler service
> runs under is a domain admin) you should be able to backup the shares
> directly via the UNC names.
> If the filer isn't a trusted domain member it is a little more difficult as
> you must supply credentials
> in order to authenticate the shares with the filer, and as previously
> suggested this can be done
> with NET USE commands in a pre-schedule command.

Except, in my initial manual testing, I still had to do NET USE to get
the snapdiff backups to work at all, even when using the UNC name and
running the client under a domain account with rights to the share.  I
didn't have to provide any additional credentials, but I did have to run
"NET USE \\filername\volname", or the backup didn't recognize the share
as a NetApp volume.  Maybe I'm showing my knowledge gaps in the nuances
of Windows authn/authz and share access.

Thanks for your advice, Pete.

(At least I have snapdiff working manually for CIFS.  I'm having less
 luck with NFS...)


Hello World.                                    David Bronder - Systems Admin
Segmentation Fault                                      ITS-EI, Univ. of Iowa
Core dumped, disk trashed, quota filled, soda warm.

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