I would like to see that as well, I find it impossible to believe without
proof...and I love the power platform just not because it's 4x as fast (at
least) per core as x86 for TSM because I don't think it is. :-)

On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 10:36 AM, Gregor van den Boogaart <
gregor.booga...@rz.uni-augsburg.de> wrote:

> @Howard Coles:
> > For every 1 proc or core
> > of Power you would need 4 or more of x86 (even at their best level).  I
> > have seen the numbers from Intel comparing Newer x86 processors to
> > Power6 and they are just below the Power 6 (using 2x's the number of
> > cores).
> Do you have a reference, link, pdf, ... for this?
> > The problem is, You can get Power7 cheaper than Power6, and get
> > twice the performance.
> And for that?
> Thanks!
> Gregor van den Boogaart

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