I am testing a restore and conversion/upgrade of my last 6.1 server, before
it becomes a pumpkin in April!

I am having issues following the wonderful, detail, draft manual, since it
doesn't give specifics as to who I should be when I perform various tasks.

For instance, after installing and configuring 6.1, the restore process
says to do a "dsmserv removedb TSMDB1".  But it fails to tell me (and the
command failed) that I should be logged in as the DB2 instance user
(tsminst1), not root.  Yes, all filesystems have the proper ownership.

So, I figured I would need to stay as the DB2 instance (vs root), for the
restore process.

While most of the restore process seemed to go OK, I had some errors that
seem to indicate I should have been root.

In the beginning of the dsmserv restore db, I got this error:

*rm: cannot remove `/tsmarchlog': Permission denied*
*mkdir: cannot create directory `/tsmarchlog': File exists*

Of course this confused me since I needed to define these for the install
process and the book didn't say I should delete it, so why would the
restore try to recreate them? But since the empty directory was already
there with the proper ownership, I ignored it.

Then after the restore ran for 2-hours (200GB DB and low-power test
machine), it ends with this:

*ANR4917I Point-in-time database restore with snapshot complete, restore
date 01/16/2014 09:18:53 AM.*
*ANR0222E Error opening for write disk definition file dsmserv.dbid.*
*Error 2104 updating database ID file.*
*ANR2988W Attempt to add the last backup db volume used entry back in to
the volume history was unsuccessful.*

The ever helpful user manual for ANR0222E says "Attempt to determine the
cause of the write error and correct it." - Thanks, guys......

This sounds more serious?  Before I waste another 2-hours, should I start
all over again, doing the restore via root or is this something I can
correct, and how?

Thoughts? Suggestions?
*Zoltan Forray*
TSM Software & Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services
zfor...@vcu.edu - 804-828-4807
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