I recall once asking W to help me train two new (very bright) young men in
TSM... as fast as possible, like a week to prepare and a week to teach.
Her reply was as constructive and helpful as it was humorous.

I live in Baltimore, I have to help, but having said that:

Management Classes and Copy Groups are much too much to teach in an
e-mail.  You will have to read, but don't despair!

Migration is important, it is housekeeping.  It moves data from higher
tier storage to lower tier storage.  It doesn't age your data or expire
it.  It should not scare you.  It helps keep disk space free.

In our shop, we backup to disk then migrate to tape.
Probably every restore I have ever done has come from tape.  Most restores
were pretty fast painless events.

Having data on disk makes if fast to restore, but tape is pretty fast too,
and it's cheaper.
Backing up to disk gives you the advantage of being able to backup more
clients (concurrently) than you have tape drives.

Management Classes and Copy Groups  are basic setup of retention
Without those, you don't have retention. Somewhere, someone has defined
them, even if it is the defaults.

(I work in the command line, you may be using the graphical interface.  I
may have difficulty giving you guidance you can use because of that.)

Management Classes are labels and folders holding the definitions of
        Copy Groups ARE the definitions of retention.
The terms confuse people a lot.  People look up management classes when
they want copy group definitions.

You define (create) a mgmt class and then define a copy group that is tied
to that mgmt class.  (Actually it should be a pair of copy groups, but
that can wait.)

TSM is POLICY oriented.
Management classes are part of a POLICY Domain.  They have individualized
names that are often meaningful to admins.
Copy Groups, are retention policy definitions tied to a given Management
Class.  They are all named "Standard".

Clients belong to a particular DOMAIN.
Clients have access to any of the Management Classes that are defined in
the Domain to which they belong.  (The Domain in the Active Policy Set...)
MgmtClasses can be applied individually for each client in the client's
options file (dsm.opt or dsm.sys...or a separate include/exclude file,
just to keep things confusing.)  There should always be a DEFAULT
mgmtclass for each domain that is applied at the TSM server.

You can get information about YOUR Management Classes and Copy Groups from
the command line.  Try:
- q mg * active   (or add f=d (format=detail))
- q co * active   (or add f=d (format=detail))
 - TSM gives you online "man pages" for the command line.
     - help def mg
     - help def co

You should see things like this:

tsm: <TSM_Server>>q mg * active

Policy        Policy        Mgmt          Default       Description
Domain        Set Name      Class         Mgmt
Name                        Name          Class ?
---------     ---------     ---------     ---------
Broker_ORA       ACTIVE        DATA          Yes           Broker Oracle
MGMT Class
Broker_UNIX      ACTIVE        APP_MC        No            Broker App MGMT
Broker_UNIX      ACTIVE        AUDITLOGS_MC  No            7yr Audit Log
Broker_UNIX      ACTIVE        LONGTERM_MC    No            10yr Archive
Broker_UNIX      ACTIVE        MKSYSB_MC     No            mksysb 30day
MGMT Class
Broker_UNIX      ACTIVE        SHORTTERM_MC  No            3yr Archive
Broker_UNIX      ACTIVE        UNIX_MC       Yes           Broker Unix
MGMT Class
Broker_WIN       ACTIVE        WINDOWS_MC    Yes           Broker Windows
MGMT Class
LEGACYBroker     ACTIVE        7YR_MC        Yes           Legacy Broker
 MGMT Class

tsm: <TSM_Server>>q co * active

Policy        Policy        Mgmt          Copy          Versions Versions
    Retain      Retain
Domain        Set Name      Class         Group             Data Data
Extra        Only
Name                        Name          Name            Exists Deleted
Versions     Version
---------     ---------     ---------     ---------     -------- --------
  --------     -------
Broker_ORA       ACTIVE        DATA          STANDARD             1     0
         0           0
Broker_UNIX      ACTIVE        APP_MC        STANDARD             3     1
       180         365
Broker_UNIX      ACTIVE        MKSYSB_MC     STANDARD             4     1
        30     No Limit
Broker_UNIX      ACTIVE        UNIX_MC       STANDARD             3     3
        90          60
Broker_WIN       ACTIVE        WINDOWS_MC    STANDARD             3     3
       180         365
LEGACYBroker     ACTIVE        7YR_MC        STANDARD      No Limit     No
Limit        2,600       2,600
Dealer_ORA       ACTIVE        DATA          STANDARD             1     0
         0           0
Dealer_UNIX      ACTIVE        APP_MC        STANDARD             3     1
       180         365
Dealer_UNIX      ACTIVE        UNIX_MC       STANDARD             3     3
        90          90
Dealer_WIN       ACTIVE        WINDOWS_MC    STANDARD             3     3
       180         365

     Q MG queries your management classes.  It tells you what Domain and
Policy Set each one belongs to, the name of each MgmtClass, whether or not
it is the Default MgmtClass for that Domain, and a Description (maybe).
The description is just what some admin thought would be descriptive about
each MgmtClass.
     That tells you what is available and what should be getting applied
by default.  It DOESN'T tell you what your retention is!

     Q  CO queries your Copy Groups.  It tells you what MgmtClass each
belongs to, and lists the same Domain and PolicySet names that are listed
for it's MgmtClass.
     It also tells you what your retention is for Inactive objects.
(Active Objects are never deleted.  That is how incremental backup works.)

Versions Data Exists  = (How MANY) old versions of objects that are still
on the client host  should be kept
Versions Data Deleted  = (How MANY) old versions of objects that have been
deleted from the client host should be kept
Retain Extra Versions = (How LONG) should a given object be retained after
it has become inactive
Retain Only Version = (How LONG) should the last remaining Inactive
version be retained.  (In case you want to keep the LAST inactive version
of a file (object) for a different period, like..forever.)

ACTIVE Objects are objects that were on the client host as of the most
recent backup (even if it was 5 years ago, eg: server backed up, shutdown,
then powered off...but never removed from TSM).  They are never expired,
UNLESS, they become:
INACTIVE Objects, by being deleted from the client host (or renamed) AND
the client is backed up afteward.  (Versions Data Deleted)
     Or an Active object can "generate" inactive objects without being
deleted.  If it is touched or changed (without being deleted or renamed),
then it stays an Active Object to TSM, but the version from yesterday's
backup becomes an InActive version (version of an active object).
(Versions Data Exists - version of objects that still exists on the host.)

||| Have I confused you enough?|||

FYI stuff below here:

tsm: <TSM_Server>>help def mg
3.14.23 DEFINE MGMTCLASS (Define a management class)

Use this command to define a new management class in a policy set. To
allow clients to use the new management class, you must activate the
policy set that contains the new class.

You can define one or more management classes for each policy set in a
policy domain. A management class can contain a backup copy group, an
archive copy group, or both. The user of a client node can select any
management class in the active policy set or use the default management

Note: The DEFINE MGMTCLASS command fails if a copy storage pool is
      specified as the destination for space-managed files.

Privilege class

To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted
policy privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain
to which the management class belongs.


>>-DEFine MGmtclass--domain_name--policy_set_name--class_name--->





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tsm: <TSM_Server>help def co

3.14.8 DEFINE COPYGROUP (Define a copy group)

Use this command to define a new backup or archive copy group within a
specific management class, policy set, and policy domain. The server
uses the backup and archive copy groups to control how clients back up
and archive files, and to manage the backed-up and archived files.

To allow clients to use the new copy group, you must activate the policy
set that contains the new copy group.

You can define one backup and one archive copy group for each management
class. To ensure that client nodes can back up files, include a backup
copy group in the default management class for a policy set.

Note: The DEFINE COPYGROUP command fails if you specify a copy storage
      pool as a destination.

The DEFINE COPYGROUP command has two forms, one for defining a backup
copy group and one for defining an archive copy group. The syntax and
parameters for each form are defined separately.

Table 54. Commands related to DEFINE COPYGROUP
| Command                          | Description                      |
| ASSIGN DEFMGMTCLASS              | Assigns a management class as    |
|                                  | the default for a specified      |
|                                  | policy set.                      |
//...// DEFINE COPYGROUP -- backup

Use this command to define a new backup copy group within a specific
management class, policy set, and policy domain.

Privilege class

To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted
policy privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain
to which the copy group belongs.


>>-DEFine COpygroup--domain_name--policy_set_name--class_name--->

   .-STANDARD-.  .-Type--=--Backup-.
   '-STANDARD-'  '-Type--=--Backup-'



more...   (<ENTER> to continue, 'C' to cancel)


   .-RETExtra--=--30----------.  .-RETOnly--=--60----------.
   '-RETExtra--=--+-days----+-'  '-RETOnly--=--+-days----+-'
                  '-NOLimit-'                  '-NOLimit-'





domain_name (Required)
   Specifies the policy domain for which you are defining the copy

policy_set_name (Required)
   Specifies the policy set for which you are defining the copy group.

   You cannot define a copy group for a management class that belongs to
   the ACTIVE policy set.

George Huebschman (George H.)

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