Where are these tapes you want to label?  In the library or in the I/O

On Tue, 23 Dec 2014 16:38 Jeanne Bruno <jbr...@cenhud.com> wrote:

> Hello.  hhmmm.  I tried status=private.  Results were the same.
> I tried:
> label libv xxxxxx search=yes checkin=scratch labels=b
> volr=A00560L5,A00561L5
> same results.
> Also, the maxscr on all our copy pools are fine. (difference of allowed
> and used is plenty)
> I have tried status=bulk in the past, on a tape I had issues with earlier
> in the year, but that tape is just sitting in the library and no backup
> process has ever used it.  So I'm hesitant to use 'bulk'.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
> Huebner, Andy
> Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 10:37 AM
> Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] checkin libv command
> Below is the command I use on my virtual L180 libraries which are SCSI
> libraries.
> I think the difference is the volume range.
> I do not know the library you have, but some libraries are partitioned and
> you have to make sure the tapes are assigned to the correct partition.
> label libv vlibTSM_4 checkin=scr labelsource=barcode volr=s40000,s49999
> search=y
> Andy Huebner
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
> Jeanne Bruno
> Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 8:39 AM
> Subject: [ADSM-L] checkin libv command
> Hello.  We are using TSM manager
> Tape Library is a DS3512.
> I'm trying to check in some brand new tapes (LTO Ultrium 1.5TB).
> On the DS3512, I choos the library and insert the tape into the machine.
> On the command line I use this command:
> label libv xxxxxx search=yes checkin=scratch labels=b overwrite=y
> My output is this:
> ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: LABEL LIBVOLUME xxxx
> search=yes checkin=scratch labels=b overwrite=y ANR0984I Process 120 for
> LABEL LIBVOLUME started in the BACKGROUND at 09:29:14.
> ANR8799I LABEL LIBVOLUME: Operation for library XXXXXX started as process
> 120.
> ANR8801I LABEL LIBVOLUME process 120 for library XXXXXX completed; 0
> volume(s) labeled, 0 volume(s) checked-in.
> ANR0985I Process 120 for LABEL LIBVOLUME running in the BACKGROUND
> completed with completion state SUCCESS at 09:29:19.
> 0 volumes, but finished successfully and when I query the library XXXXXX,
> the new tape does not show in the list.
> I have also tried this command:
> Results are the same.
> I have also tried putting the tapes on the door of the machine and not
> doing the 'insert media'...again results on the same.
> We just received 30 new tapes last week and I've tried about 10 of them so
> far.
> I have used the cleaning tape and did the clean process and also rebooted
> the DS3512.....same results afterwards.
> Any help, suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> ____________________
> Jeannie Bruno
> Senior Systems Analyst
> jbr...@cenhud.com<mailto:jbr...@cenhud.com>
> Central Hudson Gas & Electric
> (845) 486-5780

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