When cross compiling a component you need to compile for multiple 
platforms, not just one. For example, a platform is 'android' or 'osx' 
(system headers) and the desired target architecture such as 'x86' or 
'arm'. But, the native plugin lists platforms as:

[platform 'arm64-v8a', platform 'armeabi', platform 'armeabi-v7a', platform 
'mips', platform 'mips64', platform 'x86', platform 'x86_64']

Let's say I want to compile my "module" for both android and osx. I'd need 
to add 'osx_x84-64' as a platform. Is there a reason the android native 
plugin does not prefix the platforms it adds? Since the plugin doesn't 
prefix platforms, it unnecessarily limits not just the component it 
creates, but also any other components in the current project that wish to 
build alongside an android component--such as tests--to be build for 
android. I don't see any reason this limitation exists. It makes it 
frustrating to work withing the native gradle model. Effectively applying 
the native plugin clobbers usage of the gradle native plugins.

It would be nice if the native plugin simply added a list of toolchains and 
platforms and an android model object container for configuration 
(compileSdkVerion, stl, toolchain, etc). When I make a component I can 
specify that the component should build for the android_x86-64 platform. 
Or, there could be a rule for new components that adds appropriate 
platforms with respect to the abiFilters property (or all supported abis by 
default). You can already configure flavors and build types on binaries as 

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