At 10:40 AM 11/14/2001 -0500, Farwell, Paul wrote:

 >We currently deploy our applications using the Sun java plugin. My concern
 >is that Sun might drop (or greatly limit) support for the plugin.

        Why do you say that?  If anything, Sun is increasing support given
        Bill Gates screwing the world by removing the JVM from the XP browser.
        You can download the early access version of the XP JVM-plugin from
        the Sun site now.

 >At any
 >rate, the simplicity of the Java Web Start (JNLP) architecture appeals to me
 >when compared to the fragility of the plugin running in a web browser.

        Agreed.  Running full apps in a browser is fraught with peril.
        If XP catches on, users will start to see full applications running
        outside the browser... Microsoft didn't pump $50M into Groove for nothing.
        I can see MS acquiring Groove in a year or two...

        Btw, both Sitraka and JWS use JNLP.

        Frank G.
| Crossroads Technologies Inc, 55 Broad Street, 28th Fl, NYC, NY 10004 |
|  Enterprise Java Engineering                                         |
| Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Web: |
| Pager: 800-495-6244                   ePager: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     |
| Voice: 212-482-5280 x229                 Fax: 212-482-5281           |

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