Sounds like you are looking for the methods getClass in the Object class and newInstance() in the Class class and use these in some combination with what you have already. I have programmatically created classes (and used them correctly) in the past but not actual widgets. It seems like it ought to work for widgets too though.

A. Marie Alm, Sr. Software Engineer
0-In Design Automation, San Jose, Ca.
Tel: 408.487.3608

Alex Kravets wrote:

Does anybody know how to create Swing components on the fly?
Here is the thing. I am reading a file in my applet that has information about potential Swing components I am going to need. Each line of that file describes characteristics of that components.
So, if my line reads:
text|sample text|JTextField

I need automatically to generate two Swing components: JButton and JTextField.
I have a class that reads this file, breaks each line into tokens and initializes that class's private variables to all these tokens. So in the end, I have an array containing objects that have information:
name = button;
label = test;
componentType = JButton;

Now, here is a problem, in my applet I get this array with objects, but how do I actually create Swing objects on the fly? I tried doing something like this:

String componentType = (String)tbData[0].getComponentType();
String label = (String)tbData[0].getLabel();
String compName = (String)tbData[0].getName();
componentsVector.add(JButton compName = new JLabel(label));

It looks crazy, so does not work so far.

May be someone has any ideas on how to do this, I would appreciate any response.


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