Hello everyone!

We would like to propose Madrid OpenSolaris User Group as a new OSUG. 

Full Title: Madrid OpenSolaris User Group. 
Abbreviation name for URL: madridosug

Location: Madrid, Spain, Europe

Our main goal is to promote an user group/community around OpenSolaris
in our region. The purpose of the group is to discuss, advocate and
increase awareness of OpenSolaris and free software/open source
knowledge. At our initial kickoff-meeting we already had 8 members. We
are planning to have monthly meetings in which presentations will be
held on the technical and social aspects of OpenSolaris project. We also
intend to translate documentation to Spanish language and organize
events such as lectures and workshops.

Initial Participants ID's:
mvidal (Miguel Vidal)
jjamor (Juanjo Amor) 
jfcastro (Jose Castro)

Name for User Group mailing-list: 
ug-madridosug AT opensolaris DOT org


Miguel Vidal             | GSyC/LibreSoft Engineering Lab
http://libresoft.es      | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

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