Our team is?busy planning participation in the upcoming tech days in India and 
Hyderabad, India (
March 24-25, 2010
St. Petersburg, Russia? (
April 8-9, 2010
The events will be an exciting time for our customers as we learn about you and 
begin to tell you about our products and strategy.? We hope that you will be 
able to attend and learn as much as you can at the event!? We are pleased to 
inform you that we have two representatives from our group who will attend the 
events - and they look forward to meeting as many leaders as possible to 
discuss your issues, plans and concerns.? We hope you will be able to meet them 
if you are able to attend the event:
Nichole Scott, Senior Manager, Users Groups and Global Customer Programs 
Bambi Staveley, Users Group Relationship Manager, APAC, Global Customer Programs
Nichole Scott, Senior Manager, Users Group and Global Customer Programs
Jackie Rose, Users Group Relationship Manager, EMEA, Global Customer Programs
If you plan to attend one of the events, we hope you will make time to meet 
with members of the users group team!? Please send mail to them to set up? a 
time to meet them - they will reply to your mail and suggest at time to meet 
and will also indicate the name of the Oracle booth for the meeting!? We do 
hope you will take time to join the team and discuss your issues, concerns and 
plans for your group!
Send mail to
HYPERLINK "mailto:nichole.scott at"nichole.scott at
HYPERLINK "mailto:bambi.staveley at"bambi.staveley at
HYPERLINK "mailto:jackie.rose at"jackie.rose at
HYPERLINK "mailto:mary.dopart at"mary.dopart at
During the last few weeks we received many requests from leaders to secure 
travel subsidies to attend the?upcoming?events.? We understand that travel 
subsidies may have been available in the past, but?Oracle's corporate?policy 
does not allow us?to provide subsidies?for customers or users group leader to 
travel to an event.?
We hope that if you are near the events, you will be able to attend one of 
them.? And we are committed to staying in touch with all on?this distribution 
list so you understand our plans and next steps for the users groups!? If you 
have questions please send them along to us.? 
Thank you for your support and participation!
Mary Lou Dopart
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