This is the rescheduled January FROSUG presentation!
                Please RSVP if you will be attending!

This month's FROSUG (Front Range OpenSolaris User Group) conference is on
Thursday, March 25th 2010 at the Sun Microsystems Broomfield Campus!

(See below for conference call information -- streaming information will be 
posted to http://FROSUG.ORG as available. Meeting will hopefully be recorded.)

================ Front Range OpenSolaris User Group =====================
We'll have food starting at 6:00p and the talks will begin at 6:30p.

Alok Aggarwal will be presenting on the new Bootable Auto Installer technology 
which allows one to boot and start an install all off USB stick or CD-ROM with 
no user intervention.

Glenn Lagasse may be presenting on the OpenSolaris Distribution 
Constructor's new feature for Virtual Machine Construction. This allows 
one to create a VirtualBox image, pre-installed with the exact software 
desired. (Another term for such an image is a pre-built software 

Thursday, March 25th, 2010

6:00pm - 6:30pm Doors Open and Food
6:30pm - 8:30pm Presentation

Physical:                       Virtual:
500 Eldorado Blvd.              http://FROSUG.ORG
Bldg 1., Conference Center 1    Conference call:
Broomfield, CO 80021            (866)545-5220x9303067

Don't get these e-mails normally, but want to?
Sign-up at:

        Our conference is free and open to the public.

                We hope to see you there!

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