Please, Sun, OGB, Oracle. HELP!!!

Opensolaris needs the ports to survive.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Boyes <>
Date: Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 5:55 PM
Subject: Re: Help, and a thank you to IBM
To: SOL-390 at

> What is the consequence if that they think it is not important "enough"?

They (Oracle) withdraw technical and equipment support from the
project, and without that, I don't think there's much point in
continuing. Without that support (or at least tacit support), we'll
never get the other pieces merged in to complete the commercial
services that are part of commercial Solaris, and without that,
OpenSolaris for Z won't ever be more than a toy. I can't in all
conscience continue to pour resources (money and personnel) into the
project unless it's going to amount to something -- if not financial,
than at least some active cooperation by the Two Powers.

We (SNA) think there's still merit in the work (bourne out by the long
list of subscribers from Sun/Oracle and IBM, and all of you from other
organizations), but it's hard to justify taking me and Neale away from
billable work for this sort of thing if no one cares about it enough
to say they want it to the powers that be, or wants to contribute
(Harold Grovesteen is so far the only non-SNA team contributor to
furthering the project post-public-release). Research funding only
goes so far; at some point we have to pay the rent too.

Some positive news: IBM has made available a zPDT license (a System Z
emulator application running on Intel hardware that can legally be
licensed for z/VM and other IBM software) to the project. We're
completing the paperwork now and shopping for a good-size Intel server
to put it on, but I would like to publically thank Mark Anzani (IBM VP
System z) and the IBM System z brand organization for providing this
resource to the project. This system allows us a much more powerful
(and legally unambiguous) development environment for the project, and
we are very grateful for IBM's continued assistance.

Send those cards and letters, folks -- and call your Oracle reps. If
you're an IBMer, contact your internal Oracle rep and your System z
organization contacts. If you're a Sun or Oracle person, take a long
look at the list of subscribers of this list. Do you really want to
disappoint them?

-- db

      ,   _                                    _   ,
     { \/`o;====-    Olga Kryzhanovska   -====;o`\/ }
.----'-/`-/     olga.kryzhanovska at   \-`\-'----.
 `'-..-| /     Solaris/BSD//C/C++ programmer   \ |-..-'`
      /\/\                                     /\/\
      `--`                                      `--`

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