Perrin Harkins wrote:
On Mon, 2004-08-09 at 05:25, Stas Bekman wrote:

Philippe M. Chiasson wrote:

How about POD or YAML for a simple format like that one ? Keeping the pool of possible
authors/reporters as high as possible.

+1 to stand clear of XXXml ;)

I can't imagine that more people know YAML than basic XML.  I know I've
avoided YAML so far, since it seems pretty pointless to me.  I don't
think POD or a wiki would provide enough structure for this use (we need
a headline, body, date, poster, etc.), although I suppose we could make
POD work by requiring a strict structure for news items.

One way to do it would be to simply write into a large RSS file by hand,
and let a script grab the last 10 of those for the real RSS feed and for
generating the pages.

Yuck. The front-end doesn't have to be anything format specific. Just have a simple form for content management. I really liked the Bricolage presentation at OSCon, it's so easy to create and manipulate data.

Can you please take a look at how works. I'm not sure what they are using behind the scenes, but it seems to work great.

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