Perrin Harkins wrote:
On Mon, 2004-08-09 at 14:12, Stas Bekman wrote:

One way to do it would be to simply write into a large RSS file by hand,
and let a script grab the last 10 of those for the real RSS feed and for
generating the pages.

Yuck. The front-end doesn't have to be anything format specific.

There doesn't need to be a front-end.  People who don't have access to
the site CVS just send submissions to an editor.

That's the whole point. In order to make things simple, it shouldn't require commit access or anything list that. We could even use a simplified version of slashdot, so people can submit stories, people can comment on them, making it much more efficient and not creating any bottlenecks.

Just have a simple form for content management. I really liked the Bricolage presentation at OSCon, it's so easy to create and manipulate data.

Bricolage, like any CMS with a similar breadth of features, is far from
simple. I don't see any need to have a web form. This is just basic structured data, which can be written to a flat file. I would like to
preserve the current situation where the site is not dynamic except for
the search.


Can you please take a look at how works. I'm not sure what they are using behind the scenes, but it seems to work great.

Presumably they use a database. is orders of magnitude
more complex than a simple news listing.


Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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