On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 19:18:47 -0500
Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You mean the decline is because more and more people move to the 
> front-/back-end setup, and people aren't just moving to php?

  Oh I'm sure some of the decline is people moving to PHP, Python, 
  Java, etc... but I don't think that we're losing as many people
  as that survey says.  The reason I say that is because doing a 
  "default" install of Apache2/mp2 via the instructions on
  perl.apache.org, my server at home doesn't report that it is 
  using mod_perl. 

  I'm sure other people are in similar situations where they don't
  even realize their server isn't claiming to be mod_perl powered. 
> >  Maybe we should put together a quick howto on fixing
> >   that and suggest it on the mailing list? 
> Do you think it'll have any impact when we talk about hundreds of 
> thousands of users who aren't on the list and will never reach our
> site?
> What technique to help the scanners were you thinking about?

  I wasn't really thinking about a scanner technique, but you're
  right we wouldn't reach everyone via the mailing list.  However,
  if we could put the howto up on the website, mention it on the
  list, etc it couldn't hurt to help boost those numbers. 

  It wouldn't be anything drastic, but shouldn't be much work for
  us and/or the users.  

  While I think the NetCraft survey is important, maybe we should
  attack this another way.  Create our own "registered users" page,
  like the Linux Counter site, where mod_perl users could list their
  sites.  This still wouldn't catch everyone, but every little bit

   Frank Wiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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