[Copied to advocacy list in a probably vain attempt.]

On Wed, 28 Feb 2007 15:25:24 +0100, demerphq wrote:
> Is this really a task that a bunch of hackers are cut out to do?
> Personally I doubt it. I know you do the best you can, but it seems to
> me that the volunteer programmer thing doesn't mix too well with
> commerical type activities like marketing and PR. [...]
> This seems like something that should be handled by the donations to
> TPF (or some similar organization) by hiring a professional to do it
> right.  Isnt this exactly why we have a donation fund? So that we can
> pay to get the stuff that we arent good at done properly by a
> professional?

Wow, what he said.  I was sharpening my keyboard to make the same comment
when I read this.  I've seen a little of how professional fundraisers work
and they are *so* different from your average hacker.  Not only do they
possess a charisma for communicating with moneybags that eludes most of
us, but their constant exposure to that work will likely lead them to
ideas that haven't occurred to us.

Let's do it.  

Peter Scott

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