On Thu, 01 Mar 2007 16:27:23 +0100, Richard Foley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thursday 01 March 2007 16:03, Peter Scott wrote:
>> [Copied to advocacy list in a probably vain attempt.]
>> On Wed, 28 Feb 2007 15:25:24 +0100, demerphq wrote:
>> >
>> > This seems like something that should be handled by the donations to
>> > TPF (or some similar organization) by hiring a professional to do it
>> > right.  Isnt this exactly why we have a donation fund? So that we can
>> > pay to get the stuff that we arent good at done properly by a
>> > professional?
>> Wow, what he said.  I was sharpening my keyboard to make the same comment
>> when I read this.  I've seen a little of how professional fundraisers work
>> and they are *so* different from your average hacker.  Not only do they
>> possess a charisma for communicating with moneybags that eludes most of
>> us, but their constant exposure to that work will likely lead them to
>> ideas that haven't occurred to us.
> Hear hear - it's a point that's often overlooked.  We're professional
> programmers for a reason and they're professional fundraisers for a reason.

Perl really lacks better PR - especially towards business people ...

I also second the idea of hiring marketing professionals.

To give a better picture of that - recently I read an article on some
reputable site (can't remember which one is it - will try to find it).

In sum - author recommends that you stay away from Perl when you choose wiki
systems. Of course (s)he latter recommends Twiki (which is done in Perl) as a
good option.

The point is not that article author is not well informed - but that people
outside of Perl community by default link Perl to being bad, old ... you know
"the new COBOL" ...

We need (public relationship) damage control! We need someone to lobby for Perl.
All the other players in the fields (Ruby, PHP, Python) seem to have some sort
of it.

I also noticed they have nice "powered by xxx" logos. I couldn't find anything
pleasing for Perl. Those powered by modperl on apache site look nice -
http://perl.apache.org/about/link/linktous.html. Something like that but without
mod part ...

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