In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Shlomi Fish

> 2. One cannot effectively contribute it. (I offered my help to revamp it, but 
> BDFOY said I couldn't).

I missed this part earlier, but Shlomi, I'm going to have to call you a
liar again, and remind you that this is why you are having problems
with people.

I don't have anything to do with, so there's absolutely
no way that I could give or withhold permission for you to do anything
with it.  Furthermore, I never said that you couldn't or shouldn't
contribute. I have exerted no influence to deny any activity of yours.

I have, however, pointed out when you have not been honest, just as I
am doing here.

As I have told you many times before, you don't need anyone's
permission to do anything. Make the Perl beginner's site that you think
should exist, and stop worrying about some official blessing or what
anyone else is doing.

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