Hi brian!

See below for how I corrected the problems you had pointed.

On Monday 16 April 2007, brian d foy wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Shlomi Fish
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Ask!
> >
> > Can you give me static HTML hosting for http://perl-begin.berlios.de/ on
> > perl.org?
> >
> > Moreover, I'd like it to gain a more official status:
> There's no such thing as an "official status". Perlmonks, for instance,
> does just fine with its own domain. Why not get your own domain and
> stop swimming against the current? Perl beginners don't care what your
> domain name is.
> Some mistakes you make pertinent to me:
> Learning Perl 4th Edition is the current version of the Llama (you list
> the 3rd Edition).


> Learning Perl is not writen for people who are absolute beginners in
> programming. We say as much in the book.

Corrected. I guess that leaves "Beginning Perl" and perhaps "Elements of 
Programming in Perl".

> The Student Workbook for Learning Perl and Intermediate Perl are
> missing.

Well, since it is a learning aids and not useful independently, I guess I'll 
have to add them as links.

> The Perl Review is a print magazine, not an online collection of
> articles. You can get the PDF issues, but it's not something like
> Perl.com or IBM Developer Works.


> Randal Schwartz writes for a couple of magazines, not newspapers.


> Beginning Perl is now in its  second edition.

Corrected. I'm still pointing to the online version of the first edition.

> Mac OS X isn't "mostly compatible with UNIX", it is a *nix.

Well, as I said:

1. I don't think many people will immediately understand what a *nix is.

2. UNIX is almost immediately understandable to people who know about it.

3. Mac OS X diverges from traditional UNIXes in the fact that /etc is not 
usable (or at least wasn't), that the native GUI is Cocoa/Carbon instead of 
X-Windows, in the fact files have meta-data (which breaks tar compatibility), 

So I'd rather put this statement. I hate such (useless, IMHO) terminology 
pedanticness. I'm quite pedantic myself, but still use Linux instead of 
GNU/Linux most of the time, open-source instead of free software, and call 
the X Windows System "X-Windows". So I don't mind calling UNIX clone-a-like 
UNIXes, or otherwise many people won't understand what I'm talking about.

> Use.perl is missing from the Web Forums link

Added. It was already in the links. I mentioned it's more of a blogs + news 
feed site, not that it matters too much.

{{Memo to self}}: add http://community.livejournal.com/perl/ too.

Hope it helps,

        Shlomi Fish

BTW brian, there was a use.perl.org journal entry (misplaced, sorry) where 
someone complained about how unpopular Perl-only journals have been in the 
past. He also suggested that since Dr. Dobbs has many articles only about 
Java, C++, etc. then it will be a good idea to create a journal exclusively 
for dynamic languages: Perl/Python/Ruby, PHP, Tcl, JavaScript, Lisp/Scheme, 
Lua and Io, Haskell and O'Caml, APL/J, and other cool, poweruser languages. ( 
Possibly with a column teaching ANSI C and C++ - ;-) )

This may prove more popular than just a Perl journal, and will apply to a 
larger audience that share common interest. Often you can read about a 
technique in Python and implement something similar in Perl (or vice versa or 
with different languages), which is often not the case for C or Java.

Shlomi Fish      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Homepage:        http://www.shlomifish.org/

If it's not in my E-mail it doesn't happen. And if my E-mail is saying
one thing, and everything else says something else - E-mail will conquer.
    -- An Israeli Linuxer

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