To the uninitiated or person "considering" Perl, seeing articles
> > averaging 5+ yrs of age, it looks like a ghost town. The reality is that
> > many of those articles are still relevant. But how can you explain/train
> > that concept? The parallel is people looking up at sourceforge and like
> > sites, ... to see a module that's 5 yrs old will communicate that it's
> > headed for death. Do we "bump" these articles or rally for writing new
> > ones? If they looked to CPAN to start with, they'd see a very active
> > bunch. The truth is our Perl world is very stable and we're all busy
> > getting work done by writing Perl code and we've stopped writing about
> > Perl. Newer alternatives are still in ramp-up stages, and so the
> > articles and activity make it look busier and safe from the roads of
> > abandonment.

One way is to enlist people [ok, I'm an idiot,
I'll volunteer] to go back over some of the really
useful artciles and annotate them as being useful
for perl-5.8 & -5.10.

Q: What are 8-10 really good, useful articles
   you know of that are relavant to the current
   release and "seem" old?

The best approach might just be to write a short
piece describing why the thing is still relavant,
perhaps noting how a chnge in 5.8 or 5.10 helps
the situation w/ a link to the original. If
nothing else it'll give me a chance to fondle
5.10 a bit more and see how the new stuff might
affect what's going on.

If someone'll give me access I'll stick the results
on a blog somewhere.

Steven Lembark                                          +1 888 359 3508
Workhorse Computing                                       85-09 90th St
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                 Woodhaven, NY 11421

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