In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, David
E. Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Anyone doing anything to counter this misconception?
> Note that blog comments that say, "you're wrong!" are more harmful  
> than helpful. I mean is there a report or something with real data to  
> show otherwise?

Here's the relevant quote:

   For all of its strengths, perl seems to be going the way of the
   dinosaur. Most new, open source talent is being funneled into Java,
   PHP, Ruby, and Python.

I think that's related to an earlier assertion:

   Even the lead developer, David Wheeler, has not mentioned the project
   on his personal blog in two years. For all practical purposes, the
   Bricolage project should be considered dead

When people don't talk about using Perl and the cool things they are
doing with Perl, people aren't going to think people are using Perl.
The best way to deal with the problem is to talk about how you are
using Perl, how it solved your problems, how it makes your life better,
and so on. Tell a positive story. Show that you are alive. :)

A lot of the Perl people have grown tired of talking about what they
are doing. They have blog fatigue. I certainly don't blog about it as
much as I used to. Apparently you don't either. While we get the
fatigue, new players like Rails comes along with a bunch of fanboys and
starts their cycle. Eventually those people will use Rails and just
forget to talk about it in public because.

People are always going to have bad things to say about Perl. Getting
into a tit-for-tat with each side throwing their own reports and
statistics at each other doesn't do anything for the average person who
just wants to get work done.

If I were you, I'd just reply to his points about Bricolage and its
future and not worry about the the dinosaur comment. It's not a good
metaphor anyway: the dinosaurs ruled the planet and it took an earth
shattering asteroid to get rid of them. :)

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