On 17/04/2008, Jim Brandt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've been contributing to both the perl 5 and perl 6 wiki's, but find
> > that they are hardly linked to, the urls aren't exactly easy to
> > remember, and the inner community (let alone the diaspora) seems to
> > not know they exist.
> >
> > Why can't we have a wiki.perl.org ?
> >
>  http://perlfoundation.org/perl5
>  http://perlfoundation.org/perl6
>  both work, and they are fairly memorable, if not explicitly wiki-fied. We
> also have links on the perlfoundation.org home page.

It's a slight improvement on the full url, but not exactly obvious to
human or search engine that it's the or a wiki.

>  We could try to get links on the perl.org homepage. Any suggestions on what
> category?

I'd guess that it would come under both documentation and support.

most importantly : use a subdomain - wiki.perl.org

One would assume that anything on the perlfoundation site or under
it's domain name would be about or directly to do with the work of
TPF, I would think that the wiki is directly to do with perl the
language, and it's users, so more appropriate for perl.org

> Conference season is nearly on us, and that can be a good time to spread
> the word. I believe Schwern did a lightning talk at OSCON last year. Might
> be good to get folks to do lightning talks at the various upcoming events.
> BOFs are also a nice way to get people together and get them to actually
> edit something.

That will reach the usual suspects, really we need it to reach a wider
audience, and a good url will help do that, as well as linking to it
on perl websites, be they the ohloh page, or in perltoc or search.cpan
or wherever.


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