On 28 Apr, 2008, at 12:22, Richard Foley wrote:
Well, I started to revise it myself once, but didn't get much of an answer from anywhere about how to take it on either. I wasn't offered my own new
wiki-thread though, maybe I didn't ask the right person...

What, did you have problems finding my email address, too? :)

Sure, I can see what you mean, and that sounds very altruistic, to keep Elaine's material 'on file' so to speak. It's a highly defensible position, on the face of it, but in reality, we all know what being quietly side-lined

History repeats itself time and time again. You get the people you deserve by the silent majority remaining silent. Just like all the politics inside Parrot. The silent remain silent and things continue on just as they did in the days of P5P. For years many have plaintively commented as to why there are so few women in perl, especially when compared to other projects, and you need only look to yourselves.

There were any number of more tactful methods to do what has been done here, but the way of Perl is to get the knife and twist it hard because feeling good about any contribution must not be allowed. And the silent sit there and let it happen. Jarkko's thanks after 5 years leading up to 5.8 was a lot of bitching about 'core bloat'.

The parting 'fuck you' is the perl way.


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