On Monday 28 April 2008 18:03:23 Shlomi Fish wrote:
> > > http://www.shlomifish.org/perl-timeline-temp/PerlTimeline.html
> >
> > Excellent work.
> Thanks.
Well, I started to revise it myself once, but didn't get much of an answer 
from anywhere about how to take it on either.  I wasn't offered my own new 
wiki-thread though, maybe I didn't ask the right person...

> No, it's not about perl6 vs. perl5. It's about the original Timeline by 
> Elaine vs. a new timeline (for Perl, probably both 5 and 6
As you might realise, I'm reading between the lines a bit, and it's perhaps 
not perl5/perl6, (that was a bit of a wide swipe), but it's the same people 
and cliques we're talking about.

> > I mean, Elaine sounds a bit pissed off, but I'm not really surprised when
> > she gets her project whipped from under her feet.  
> That was not my intention, but may have seem like it. 
I realise that you had not intended to make this much of an issue out it, or 
to trample on another (if aged) project.  As I see it, it's happened that 
way, because of choices people-in-power have made as to how to react to 
someone who disagrees with them.  And particularly to those people who are 
outside of the current magic-circle.

> > I don't see why we have to trash the old stuff, just because certain 
> > people have positions of power and can (ab-)use it to side-step the issue.
> We're not going to remove the old timeline. Also, I'd like to continue 
> updating it, and hopefully Elaine will accept my modifications. 
Sure, I can see what you mean, and that sounds very altruistic, to keep 
Elaine's material 'on file' so to speak.  It's a highly defensible position, 
on the face of it, but in reality, we all know what being quietly side-lined 

Richard Foley
Ciao - shorter than aufwiedersehen


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