Hi Travis,

The pickle files aren't required for the library to work, and you
should be able to pass in your credentials to the constructor of the
Client.  More information about the parameters for that constructor
can be found here: 

- Eric

On Nov 12, 4:28 pm, Travis B <briggs.tra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> I am able to run the example that comes with the library, but I was
> hoping to integrate the library into our existing configuration system
> rather than using the config script to generate pickled data files
> that need to be read. I thought I could accomplish that using the
> 'headers' named parameter. Maybe I also need a 'config' named
> parameter?
> I want to avoid having to maintain the pickle files somewhere in my
> source tree.
> -Travis
> On Nov 12, 2:57 pm, AdWords API Advisor <adwordsapiadvi...@google.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi Travis,
> > There is a example that comes with the library that demonstrates how
> > to get all campaigns with the 
> > library:http://code.google.com/p/google-api-adwords-python-lib/source/browse/....
> > Are you able to run this example successfully?
> > Best,
> > - Eric
> > On Nov 12, 12:10 pm, Travis B <briggs.tra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi Eric,
> > > So I've installed the python library, and I'm having trouble doing a
> > > basic 'getAllAdWordsCampaigns' request against the sandbox. I'm having
> > > trouble getting up and running with the library. I have a feeling I'm
> > > not using it 100% correctly, but I based what I could off the sample
> > > code.
> > > I've got ZSI and PyXML installed on the system.
> > > Bring on the sample code!>>>>>>>>BEGIN SAMPLE CODE>>>>>>>>>
> > > from qwobl_ads import config as ad_config
> > > from aw_api.Client import Client
> > > class GoogleAWAClient(object):
> > >     def __init__(self, email):
> > >         self._email = email
> > >         headers = {
> > >           'email': self._email,
> > >           'password': ad_config.google.password,
> > >           'clientCustomerId': 'Unknown',
> > >           'userAgent': ad_config.google.user_agent,
> > >           'developerToken': ad_config.google.developer_token,
> > >           'applicationToken': ad_config.google.application_token,
> > >           'validateOnly': 'n'
> > >         }
> > >         if(ad_config.google.version == 'sandbox'):
> > >             headers['clientEmail'] = 'client_1+' + self._email,
> > >         self.client = Client(headers=headers)
> > > if __name__ == '__main__':
> > >     gc = GoogleAWAClient('....@qwobl.com')
> > >     dummy = {'dummy': 0}
> > >     gc.client.CallMethod('https://sandbox.google.com/api/adwords/v13/
> > > CampaignService',
> > >                          'getAllAdWordsCampaigns', (dummy,), None)
> > > <<<<<<<<<<<<<END SAMPLE CODE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> > > And the error I get is:
> > > Traceback (most recent call last):
> > >   File "aw_api_test.py", line 27, in <module>
> > >     'getAllAdWordsCampaigns', (dummy,), None)
> > >   File "/home/briggs/lib/python/aw_api/Client.py", line 601, in
> > > CallMethod
> > >     request)
> > >   File "aw_api/WebService.py", line 330, in CallMethod
> > > aw_api.Errors.Error/home/briggs/lib/python/aw_api/Errors.py:34:
> > > DeprecationWarning: BaseException.message has been deprecated as of
> > > Python 2.6
> > >   return str(self.message)
> > > : 'tuple' object has no attribute 'find'
> > > On Nov 11, 6:56 pm, AdWords API Advisor <adwordsapiadvi...@google.com>
> > > wrote:
> > > > Hi Travis,
> > > > The short answer is that SOAPpy isn't readily compatible with the
> > > > AdWords API web services.  Our web services are Document/Literal and
> > > > SOAPpy only support RPC/Encoded web services.  It is possible to get
> > > > SOAPpy to a compatible format, but it takes a lot of manual
> > > > manipulation of the requests.  The official AdWords API Python client
> > > > library has this functionality built in, and we recommend you use the
> > > > library instead of raw SOAPpy requests.
> > > >  http://code.google.com/p/google-api-adwords-python-lib/
> > > > Best,
> > > > - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> > > > On Nov 11, 3:44 pm, Travis B <briggs.tra...@gmail.com> wrote:> Hi folks,
> > > > > I can't seem to set the networkTargeting field using an updateCampaign
> > > > > call on CampaignService. I'm using the SOAPpy framework in python.
> > > > > The WSDL shows that geoTargeting is a complexType, just like
> > > > > networkTargeting, however I am able to set the later simply using
> > > > > dictionaries.
> > > > > Any help is appreciated.
> > > > > Here's some sample code that reproduces the problem:
> > > > > import SOAPpy
> > > > > from conf import config_dict
> > > > > headers = SOAPpy.Types.headerType()
> > > > > headers.email = config_dict['email']
> > > > > headers.password = config_dict['password']
> > > > > headers.useragent = config_dict['useragent']
> > > > > headers.developerToken = config_dict['developerToken']
> > > > > headers.applicationToken = config_dict['applicationToken']
> > > > > headers.clientEmail = config_dict['clientEmail']
> > > > > camp_service = SOAPpy.SOAPProxy('https://sandbox.google.com/api/
> > > > > adwords/v13/CampaignService', header=headers)
> > > > > camp_service.config.debug = 0
> > > > > camp_service.getAllAdWordsCampaigns(0)
> > > > > print camp_service.updateCampaign({'id': 1938, 'geoTargeting':
> > > > > {'regionTargets': {'regions': ['US-CA']}}})
> > > > > print camp_service.updateCampaign({'id': 1938, 'networkTargeting':
> > > > > ['SearchNetwork']})
> > > > > <<<<<<<<<<<<<<END ADWORDS SAMPLE CODE
> > > > > As shown, the second line produces:
> > > > > SOAPpy.Types.faultType: <Fault soapenv:Server.userException:
> > > > > java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can not set
> > > > > com.google.ads.netapi.services.datamodel.NetworkTarget field
> > > > > com.google.ads.netapi.services.campaign.CampaignData.networkTargeting
> > > > > to [Ljava.lang.String;: <SOAPpy.Types.structType detail at
> > > > > 17938624>: ...
> > > > > If I change the second call to:
> > > > > print camp_service.updateCampaign({'id': 1938, 'networkTargeting':
> > > > > {'networkTypes': ['SearchNetwork']}})
> > > > > I get:
> > > > > SOAPpy.Types.faultType: <Fault soapenv:Server.userException:
> > > > > java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can not set
> > > > > [Lcom.google.ads.netapi.services.datamodel.NetworkType; field
> > > > > com.google.ads.netapi.services.datamodel.NetworkTarget.networkTypes to
> > > > > [Ljava.lang.String;: <SOAPpy.Types.structType detail at
> > > > > 14784704>: ....
> > > > > -Travis


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