I have a script that uses the TargetingIdeaService and we have been
getting good results from it for the most part.  Generally we submit a
dozen or so keywords looking for PHRASE matches and the results we get
back are consistent with the keyword tool.  For some reason using a
smaller dataset (1-3 keywords) seems to come back with much broader

For example if we use:
  chess programs
  programs chess
  chess program
  program chess

We get back matching phrases:
programs chess
chess program
school chess programs
online chess programs
online chess program
chess training program
chess tournament program
chess training programs
program chess
chess study program
chess teaching programs
old chess programs
strong chess programs

If we only search on two keywords:
  chess programs
  programs chess

We get back phrases that are loosely related:
chess strategy
chess strategies
chess pawn
chess tournament
chess move
championship chess
chess federation
chess tactics
chess rules
online chess programs
chess programs fritz
chess downloads
chess freeware

The Keyword Tool returns appropriate PHRASE results for those two
keywords so I am wondering if I'm missing a parameter to narrow down
the results or if maybe the RelatedToKeywordSearchParameter is looking
at the keywords as a group rather than as individual keywords.

Here's the working SOAP call:
<searchParameters xsi:type="RelatedToKeywordSearchParameter">
<keywords xsi:type="Keyword">
<text xsi:type="string">chess programs</text>
<matchType xsi:type="string">PHRASE</matchType>
<keywords xsi:type="Keyword">
<text xsi:type="string">programs chess</text>
<matchType xsi:type="string">PHRASE</matchType>
<keywords xsi:type="Keyword">
<text xsi:type="string">chess program</text>
<matchType xsi:type="string">PHRASE</matchType>
<keywords xsi:type="Keyword">
<text xsi:type="string">program chess</text>
<matchType xsi:type="string">PHRASE</matchType>
<searchParameters xsi:type="LanguageTargetSearchParameter">
<languageTargets xsi:type="LanguageTarget">
<languageCode xsi:type="string">EN</languageCode>
<searchParameters xsi:type="KeywordMatchTypeSearchParameter">
<keywordMatchTypes xsi:type="string">PHRASE</keywordMatchTypes>

Here's the same call but with only two keywords that returns results
that are not PHRASE related:
 <searchParameters xsi:type="RelatedToKeywordSearchParameter">
 <keywords xsi:type="Keyword">
<text xsi:type="string">chess programs</text>
<matchType xsi:type="string">PHRASE</matchType>
<keywords xsi:type="Keyword">
<text xsi:type="string">programs chess</text>
<matchType xsi:type="string">PHRASE</matchType>

<searchParameters xsi:type="LanguageTargetSearchParameter">
<languageTargets xsi:type="LanguageTarget">
<languageCode xsi:type="string">EN</languageCode>

<searchParameters xsi:type="KeywordMatchTypeSearchParameter">
<keywordMatchTypes xsi:type="string">PHRASE</keywordMatchTypes>


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