We are using Python, and using the python client library for the low
level calls. Here is some sample logic:
server = self._connect('AdGroupCriterion')
        operations = []
        for criterion in criteria:
                'operator': 'SET',

self._adwords_call(server, 'Mutate', operations)
which will call something similar to:
eval('server.%s(operations)' % method)

On Feb 23, 7:47 am, AdWords API Advisor <adwordsapiadvi...@google.com>
> Hi,
> Which language are you using?  Are you using one of the client
> libraries?  Can you post some of the code that is used to make this
> request?
> Best,
> - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> On Feb 22, 9:04 pm, Aihua <zhang...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Noticed that when try to pause trials or update trials through API
> > calls in production, we got some EntityNotFound.INVALID_ID errors. But
> > later after we re-try it again, it seems working fine. Since it's on
> > production, we didn't store the soap xml. And it's hard to reproduce
> > it. We are using the python client lib, any idea?
> > Here is a sample trial, when we tried to pause 502404022, got Invalid
> > id; but later when try it again, it's ok. The trial and the adgroup
> > are on the network.
> > 502404022: [EntityNotFound.INVALID_ID @
> > operations[0].operand.adGroupId; trigger:'467577187']

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