Hi Suraiya,

To address your issues:

1) authToken is missing in SoapHeader

This error is being generated because the RequestHeader header has the
wrong namespace (https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/o/v200909).
All headers should have the CM namespace (https://adwords.google.com/
api/adwords/cm/v200909).  I found out that this is a known issue with
the Perl client library, and there is currently no workaround.  It's
not clear when this issue will be resolved, and if you would like to
create a patch for this problem we would be glad to add your fix to
the library.

2) Building request structure

If you create all of your search parameters before you create the
selector then you can set them in the constructor of the selector for
the field "searchParameters".

- Eric

On Feb 24, 8:32 pm, Suraiya <suraiya.ra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> Please have a look at my previous post as well. 
> Athttp://groups.google.com/group/adwords-api/browse_thread/thread/82bd7...,
> you mentioned a valid soap structure.
> How can I form that structure using different methods of objects of
> type RelatedToKeywordSearchParameter, LanguageTargetSearchParameter,
> CountryTargetSearchParameter etc instead of handcrafting the structure
> myself.
> If I do something like this
> my $selector = 
> Google::AdWords::v200909::Types::TargetingIdeaSelector->new({requestType => 
> 'IDEAS',paging =>$paging,ideaType => 'KEYWORD'});
> my $relatedToKeywordSearchParameter =
> Google::AdWords::v200909::Types::RelatedToKeywordSearchParameter->new();
> $relatedToKeywordSearchParameter->set_keywords(
>                         [{text => "Monkey",matchType =>  "BROAD" }]);
> my $languageTargetSearchParameter =
> Google::AdWords::v200909::Types::LanguageTargetSearchParameter->new();
> $languageTargetSearchParameter->set_languageTargets([{languageCode=>
> "en"}]);
> my $countryTargetSearchParameter =
> Google::AdWords::v200909::Types::CountryTargetSearchParameter->new();
> $countryTargetSearchParameter->set_countryTargets([{'countryCode' =>
> "US"}]);
> Then how am I supposed to call $selector->set_searchParameters or
> something else so that I shall be able to create the desired structure
> that you specified?
> Thanks a lot in advance.
> Suraiya

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