That's a great idea, I'd like to vote for that too please!

On Mar 2, 10:20 am, Daniel <> wrote:
> Hi there!
> I'd like to bring up these topic again - so maybe you include it in
> the upcoming ReportService for the new API.
> As you mentioned here: (
> browse_thread/thread/149edd3ffa3074a6#) - in 2008 - it would be useful
> to have the QualityScore as optinal column in the Structure Report.
> With this we can get really all necessary basic informations for the
> Adwords Objects over the ReportJob, so there is no need to load all
> Keywords trough the CriterionService.
> We hope that you guys think about it for the new Report Job :)
> Regards,
> Daniel

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