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>    - Error: Method not found: 'System.AppDomainSetup
>    System.AppDomain.get_SetupInformation()'.
>    <#m_5541967271840638571_group_thread_0> - 1 Update
>    - API requests failing with Permission Issue
>    <#m_5541967271840638571_group_thread_1> - 1 Update
>    - What is the difference between ad_group_ad.ad.final_urls and
>    ad_group_criterion.final_urls? <#m_5541967271840638571_group_thread_2>
>    - 3 Updates
>    - micros to dollar <#m_5541967271840638571_group_thread_3> - 1 Update
> Error: Method not found: 'System.AppDomainSetup
> System.AppDomain.get_SetupInformation()'.
> <http://groups.google.com/group/adwords-api/t/b6929f41f950ba9d?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> Amitha Shenoy <amitha.she...@indpro.se>: Dec 18 11:15AM +0530
> Yes, i am getting error while creating var client = new
> GoogleAdsClient(); instance . Thanks for assistance. I have posted my
> question in the link provided.
> On Sat, 17 Dec 2022 at 01:09, Google Ads API Forum Advisor
> Back to top <#m_5541967271840638571_digest_top>
> API requests failing with Permission Issue
> <http://groups.google.com/group/adwords-api/t/abe9495b90b8417?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> Vamshi Bommana <vbomm...@techstyle.com>: Dec 17 03:53PM -0800
> We started seeing API failures starting 2022-12-16 7:00 PM PST, this is
> happening across all google ads end points.
> This is impacting all our reporting without having correct spend and
> conversions
> below is the error we are receiving
> {logging_interceptor.py:271} WARNING - Request made: ClientCustomerId:
> 9826732845, Host: googleads.googleapis.com, Method:
> /google.ads.googleads.v11.services.GoogleAdsService/SearchStream,
> RequestId: lsjLi-CYpqS0PJsoA9Lr7g, IsFault: True, FaultMessage: User
> doesn't have permission to access customer. Note: If you're accessing a
> client customer, the manager's customer id must be set in the
> 'login-customer-id' header. See
> https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/concepts/call-structure#cid
> *** google.ads.googleads.errors.GoogleAdsException:
> (<_SingleThreadedRendezvous of RPC that terminated with:
> status = StatusCode.PERMISSION_DENIED
> details = "The caller does not have permission"
> debug_error_string =
> "{"created":"@1671319331.838439000","description":"Error received from
> peer
> ipv6:[2607:f8b0:4007:815::200a]:443","file":"src/core/lib/surface/call.cc","file_line":967,"grpc_message":"The
> caller does not have permission","grpc_status":7}"
> >, <_SingleThreadedRendezvous of RPC that terminated with:
> status = StatusCode.PERMISSION_DENIED
> details = "The caller does not have permission"
> debug_error_string =
> "{"created":"@1671319331.838439000","description":"Error received from
> peer
> ipv6:[2607:f8b0:4007:815::200a]:443","file":"src/core/lib/surface/call.cc","file_line":967,"grpc_message":"The
> caller does not have permission","grpc_status":7}"
> >, errors {
> error_code {
> authorization_error: USER_PERMISSION_DENIED
> }
> message: "User doesn\'t have permission to access customer. Note: If
> you\'re accessing a client customer, the manager\'s customer id must be
> set
> in the \'login-customer-id\' header. See
> https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/concepts/call-structure#cid
> "
> }
> request_id: "lsjLi-CYpqS0PJsoA9Lr7g"
> , 'lsjLi-CYpqS0PJsoA9Lr7g')
> We are including manager customer_id in the header as login-customer-id.
> Back to top <#m_5541967271840638571_digest_top>
> What is the difference between ad_group_ad.ad.final_urls and
> ad_group_criterion.final_urls?
> <http://groups.google.com/group/adwords-api/t/78b868c2ed7ac77b?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> Nelson Brochado <nelson.broch...@webrepublic.ch>: Dec 17 04:05AM -0800
> Hi Peter.
> Thanks for pointing me to that article.
> I understand why URLs are associated with ads.
> However, I don't understand why they are associated with ad group
> criteria,
> which is a concept that exists only in the Google Ads API. Or do criteria
> also exist in Google Ads?
> So, could you please tell me what do the final URLs of ad group criteria
> represent and how they are related to ads?
> The Google Ads team will tell me that the concept of an ad group criterion
> does not exist in Google Ads and they will redirect me to you.
> On Friday, December 16, 2022 at 9:39:57 PM UTC+1 adsapi wrote:
> Nelson Brochado <nelson.broch...@webrepublic.ch>: Dec 17 04:20AM -0800
> To be more specific about my doubts, the documentation describes the final
> URL as follows
> *The final URL represents the actual landing page for your ad, keyword, or
> sitelink*
> So, this confirms that a final URL can be associated with a keyword (which
> is an ad group criterion), which I had already understood from the fact
> that this property exists in ad_group_criterion.
> The documentation also says
> *Final URLs follow the same override rules as destination URLs. For
> example, a final URL at the keyword level overrides a final URL at the ad
> level*
> This is fine.
> Now, my question is: *in which sense the final URLs of a keyword override
> the final URLs of an ad?* A keyword is associated with an ad group. *Does
> this mean that, if an ad is served because of some keyword, then the
> keyword's final URLs will override the final URLs of the served ad, so the
> user will be redirected to the final URLs of the keyword (that made the ad
> to be served)? Is this the relationship between
> ad_group_criterion.final_urls and ad_group_ad.ad.final_urls, or is there
> something more?*
> On Saturday, December 17, 2022 at 1:05:17 PM UTC+1 Nelson Brochado wrote:
> Nelson Brochado <nelson.broch...@webrepublic.ch>: Dec 17 04:37AM -0800
> I've also read the Google Ads articles Customize landing page URLs for
> keywords <https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/6371202?hl=en> and
> About
> the different types of URLs
> <https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/6246601> but they don't
> clarify my doubts. For example, the first article says
> *You can use keyword landing page URLs to take people to pages on your
> website related to particular keywords. For example, if you have the
> keyword "paris tee shirt," you could define a keyword landing page URL
> that
> sends people to the part of your website that sells Paris tee shirts.*
> However, this does state or confirm that, if an ad X is served because of
> some keyword Y, Y's final URLs will replace X's final URLs. I don't
> actually understand why we would define the final URLs at the
> keyword-level, but, like you suggested, I think I should ask this question
> to the Google Ads team.
> I've also read this <https://instapage.com/blog/adwords-final-url> and
> this
> <https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/6080568?hl=en> articles.
> Thanks a lot.
> On Saturday, December 17, 2022 at 1:20:28 PM UTC+1 Nelson Brochado wrote:
> Back to top <#m_5541967271840638571_digest_top>
> micros to dollar
> <http://groups.google.com/group/adwords-api/t/7912c0cf406f2426?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> Chaitali Sheth <chait...@freshcodes.in>: Dec 17 02:57AM -0800
> Hello
> I need help i got wrong value of Top of page big (low range),Top of page
> big (high range),CPC Average Rank,Competition Rank etc & how can i get
> *YoY
> Change in % please attached screenshot *
> *My code is :*
> const locationIds = [location_id ? location_id : '1002764'];
> const geoTargetConstants = locationIds.map(locationId =>
> ResourceNames.geoTargetConstant(locationId));
> var result1 = '';
> var keyword1 = search_keywords;
> var keyword2=keyword1.replaceAll("{{state code}}","");
> var keyword=keyword2.replaceAll('{{city}}',location_str.toLowerCase());
> var searchKeyword = keyword.split(",");
> // console.log(searchKeyword); keywordArray=[];
> searchKeyword.map(obj=>keywordArray.push(obj.trim()));
> console.log(keywordArray);
> // return res.status(200).json({status: 0, error:'errpo'});
> const keywordSeed = new services.KeywordSeed({keywords: keywordArray});
> console.log(geoTargetConstants);
> result1 = await customer.keywordPlanIdeas.generateKeywordIdeas({
> customer_id: customer.credentials.customer_id,
> // page_size: 100,
> geo_target_constants: geoTargetConstants,
> keyword_seed: keywordSeed,
> historical_metrics_options: {include_average_cpc: true}
> });
> console.log(result1);
> var result = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result1));
> let addDetails=[];
> result.map(data => {
> // if(keywordArray.includes(data.text)){
> if(data.keyword_idea_metrics!==null &&
> data.keyword_idea_metrics.avg_monthly_searches!==undefined &&
> data.keyword_idea_metrics.avg_monthly_searches>10){
> // console.log(data)
> var keywordResult={
> 'Niche':'Concrete',
> 'City': location_str,
> 'Keyword': data.text,
> 'Avg. Monthly Searches': (data.keyword_idea_metrics!==null &&
> data.keyword_idea_metrics.avg_monthly_searches!==undefined)?data.keyword_idea_metrics.avg_monthly_searches:'',
> 'Three Month Change':'',
> 'YoY Change':'',
> 'Competition':(data.keyword_idea_metrics!==null &&
> data.keyword_idea_metrics.competition!==undefined)?data.keyword_idea_metrics.competition:'',
> 'Top of page big (low range)':(data.keyword_idea_metrics!==null &&
> data.keyword_idea_metrics.low_top_of_page_bid_micros!==undefined)?(data.keyword_idea_metrics.low_top_of_page_bid_micros/1000000):'',
> 'Top of page big (high range)':(data.keyword_idea_metrics!==null &&
> data.keyword_idea_metrics.high_top_of_page_bid_micros!==undefined)?(data.keyword_idea_metrics.high_top_of_page_bid_micros/1000000):'',
> 'Competition Rank':(data.keyword_idea_metrics!==null &&
> data.keyword_idea_metrics.competition_index!==undefined)?data.keyword_idea_metrics.competition_index:'',
> 'Low Range Rank':'',
> 'High Range Rank':'',
> 'CPC Average Rank':(data.keyword_idea_metrics!==null &&
> data.keyword_idea_metrics.average_cpc_micros!==undefined)?(data.keyword_idea_metrics.average_cpc_micros/1000000):'',
> 'Overall Rank':''
> };
> addDetails.push(keywordResult);
> }
> })
> await addRow(addDetails,doc);
> On Monday, 25 October 2021 at 20:03:19 UTC+5:30 adsapi wrote:
> Back to top <#m_5541967271840638571_digest_top>
> You received this digest because you're subscribed to updates for this
> group. You can change your settings on the group membership page
> <https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email#!forum/adwords-api/join>
> .
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it send an
> email to adwords-api+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.

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