Hello Danial,

Really thanks for your time.As you said in your earlier post that i
just need to have a gmail id for creating and using the sandbox
adwords account.
The credential which i need to put in the auth.ini files are
emailid,password,useragent which is just a simple string,application
token which i put as ignored,developers token which is my emailid+
+currency code i put when creating the account,and the authtoken.

I have applied this code to get the authtoken .Can you please check
whether this process for obtaining the code is correct or not.will
this process will return me a valid authtoken.Here it is..

// Get authorisation token
$auth_url = 'https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin';

// Setup data to pass to Google
$data = array(
    'accountType' => 'GOOGLE',
    'Email' => 'mccprimali...@gmail.com',
    'Passwd' => '************',
    'source'=> 'primamcc-keyword-tool',
    'service'=> 'adwords');

// Try to fetch the authorisation code from Google
$curl = curl_init($auth_url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
$authorisation_code = curl_exec($curl);

// Close the curl connection

// Create the authorisation codes
$authorisation_codes = explode("\n", $authorisation_code);
$authorisation_code = array();
print $authorisation_code['SID'] = str_replace('SID=', '',
print $authorisation_code['LSID'] = str_replace('LSID=', '',
print $authorisation_code['Auth'] = str_replace('Auth=', '',


what you said in your earlier post i have done that exactly but still
i get the same error.so i thought of showing you the code i have used
to get the auth token.please check.i have used just a gmail id to get
the auth token, and i have put the same credentials in auth.ini
file.and made my first request using the GetAllCampaigns.php from the
example the liabary provides.But still i get the same error.can you
please say me why this is happening? i am really getting
frustrated.can you please suggest me what i can do to overcome this
problem ? please i relay need your help.please.
Please provide me  a step wise rquirement i need to do to make the
adwords api work properly.please suggest.

On Nov 11, 7:03 pm, "AdWordsAPIAdvisor" <adwordsapiadvi...@google.com>
> Hello Moinak,
> You need both MCC and usual accounts: MCC for API token management and
> normal account for ad serving.
> Please don't confuse Production and Sandbox environments:
> For production you need both MCC account and advertiser accounts created.
> The MCC and client account ids assigned on account creation. In production
> you need to specify your MCC account login and password for authorization
> and your advertisers account id as clientCustomerId. Those accounts need
> to be linked.
> For sandbox account you initially need just one Google account (like
> gmail.com account), the advertiser accounts will be created for you
> automatically on sandbox initialization. For it, you need to specify your
> account login and password for authorization, leave clientEmail and
> clientCustomerIds fields empty and send a get request to the
> CampaignService.
> After that, most subsequent requests need to have clientCustomerId
> specified. You can retrieve your account hierarchy via
> ServicedAccountService to find out ids for client accounts created. Please
> see example in one of our client libraries.
> Best regards,
>  Danial Klimkin, AdWords API Team.

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