Thanks for looking into this.

Here are some ad groups that have many keywords where

   -  IsKeywordAdRelevanceAcceptable, IsLandingPageQualityAcceptable, 
   are all TRUE
   - Quality score is <=5 (I can also provide a list where QS<=2 
   as described above, but they are spread out across a much larger set of ad 
   - One or more of the metrics in the Adwords UI are list as 'Below 
   Average' when hovering
   - The quality score reported by the API does appear to be correct and if 
   not exactly what I see in the UI, is within 1 point

account_id = 7714368372
campaign_id = 173152032
ad_group_id IN ( 13297850352,

On Monday, July 28, 2014 3:16:35 PM UTC-4, Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team) 
> Hi James,
> As mentioned in a similar post 
> <>, 
> the API does not return the *exact* same categorization of quality 
> information that's available when you hover over the quality balloons in 
> the UI.
> That being said, I would be interested in seeing the specific cases you 
> mentioned. Could you provide some campaign and ad group IDs I could check?
> Thanks,
> Josh, AdWords API Team
> On Friday, July 25, 2014 12:46:49 PM UTC-4, James Kelly wrote:
>> I am attempting to take an inventory of my poorly performing landing 
>> pages and find areas for improvement... in order to make this a worthwhile 
>> exercise I need a way to do this systematically and not by simply going 
>> keyword by keyword in the UI, hovering over the bubble and making note of 
>> the Landing Page score.
>> I was able to query the AdGroupCriterionService using the API (python) 
>> and return the fields from AdGroupCriterionService.QualityInfo
>> The values that are returned for the fields, however, are not consistent 
>> with what I see in the UI.
>>    - *qualityScore*: matches almost exactly with what I find in the 
>>    adwords UI
>>    - *IsKeywordAdRelevanceAcceptable*: is TRUE in more cases than I 
>>    would have expected. It seems like there is some relationship between 
>>    TRUE/FALSE and the score in the UI, but I can find plenty of exception 
>>    where the field is TRUE but the "Ad Relevance" is "Below Average" and 
>> vice 
>>    versa.
>>    - *IsLandingPageQualityAcceptable: *is always TRUE, even when I the 
>>    UI reports "Below Average"
>>    - *IsLandingPageLatencyAcceptable: *is always TRUE, even when I the 
>>    UI reports "Below Average"
>> I realize that these fields are boolean and don't correspond directly to 
>> the UI scores, but shouldn't there be some relationship?
>> Am I correctly understanding the nature and purpose of these fields?
>> Any ideas what could cause these sort of results?
>> *Here are a couple scenarios that have me confused:*
>>    1. I have a list of dozens of keywords with quality score <= 2. In 
>>    these cases, all three quality measures in the UI reported below average. 
>>    Yet, the API returns the correct quality score, but the three remaining 
>>    fields are all TRUE.... how can this be?
>>    2. When I filter on the predicate IsLandingPageQualityAcceptable = 
>>    False (see below), I return 0 keywords in an account with > 2MM 
>>    keywords..... that makes me suspicious that I am misunderstanding 
>>    something...
>> #Request only poor landing experience KW's
>>  {
>>               'field': 'IsLandingPageQualityAcceptable',
>>               'operator': 'EQUALS',
>>               'values': [False]
>>           },
>> Thanks for any insight to what's happening!

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