So, I tried out various things.
*Case 1:* When I add 3 fields => [*AdGroupId, Id, Clicks]* for the same 
date(17th Feb 2020), customerId, Ad Performance Report returns 14566 rows.
*Case 2: *As soon as I add 1 more field => [*AdGroupId, Id, Clicks, 
IsNegative] *for the same date, customerId, Ad Performance Report returns 
284 rows, which is okay, since IsNegative For AdPerformanceReport doesn't 
support ZeroImpressions, so adding that attribute, makes ZeroImpression as 
False and returns fewer rows.
But, the issue is, in Case 1: the data is correct(clicks = 35) and 
[AdGroupId and Id] combination is unique.
In Case 2: the data is incorrect and there are 2 rows for one of the 
[AdGroupId and Id] combination, with values of click as [30 and 5], which 
sums up to 35. I want to know, why there are 2 rows in the 2nd Case, though 
I didn't ask for any segment field. It should sum up the click values for 
the [AdGroupId and Id] combination and return 1 row with click value as 35.

On Wednesday, February 19, 2020 at 8:52:17 AM UTC+5:30, Talha Khan wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry for the misspelling, It's Ad Performance Report.
> I am getting multiple rows with the same AdGroupId and Id, with different 
> data(as in clicks in one row is 50 and another row is 30) for the Ad 
> Performance Report. And I am *not requesting any segment fields listed in 
> the documentation.* Ideally, shouldn't it be *aggregated at the AdGroupId 
> and Id level,* and there should be a single row with number of clicks as 
> 80?
> Since in the documentation, it's written: "*The Ad Performance report 
> includes all statistics aggregated at the ad level*,* one row per ad.* If 
> other segment fields are used, you may get more than one row per ad"
> My report definition is the following :
> {
>>   "id": null,
>>   "selector": {
>>     "fields": [
>>       "AbsoluteTopImpressionPercentage",
>>       "AccentColor",
>>       "AccountCurrencyCode",
>>       "AccountDescriptiveName",
>>       "AccountTimeZone",
>>       "ActiveViewCpm",
>>       "ActiveViewCtr",
>>       "ActiveViewImpressions",
>>       "ActiveViewMeasurability",
>>       "ActiveViewMeasurableCost",
>>       "ActiveViewMeasurableImpressions",
>>       "ActiveViewViewability",
>>       "AdGroupId",
>>       "AdGroupName",
>>       "AdGroupStatus",
>>       "AdStrengthInfo",
>>       "AdType",
>>       "AllConversionRate",
>>       "AllConversionValue",
>>       "AllConversions",
>>       "AllowFlexibleColor",
>>       "Automated",
>>       "AverageCost",
>>       "AverageCpc",
>>       "AverageCpe",
>>       "AverageCpm",
>>       "AverageCpv",
>>       "AveragePageviews",
>>       "AveragePosition",
>>       "AverageTimeOnSite",
>>       "BaseAdGroupId",
>>       "BaseCampaignId",
>>       "BounceRate",
>>       "BusinessName",
>>       "CallOnlyPhoneNumber",
>>       "CallToActionText",
>>       "CampaignId",
>>       "CampaignName",
>>       "CampaignStatus",
>>       "ClickAssistedConversionValue",
>>       "ClickAssistedConversions",
>>       "ClickAssistedConversionsOverLastClickConversions",
>>       "Clicks",
>>       "CombinedApprovalStatus",
>>       "ConversionRate",
>>       "ConversionValue",
>>       "Conversions",
>>       "Cost",
>>       "CostPerAllConversion",
>>       "CostPerConversion",
>>       "CostPerCurrentModelAttributedConversion",
>>       "CreativeDestinationUrl",
>>       "CreativeFinalAppUrls",
>>       "CreativeFinalMobileUrls",
>>       "CreativeFinalUrlSuffix",
>>       "CreativeFinalUrls",
>>       "CreativeTrackingUrlTemplate",
>>       "CreativeUrlCustomParameters",
>>       "CrossDeviceConversions",
>>       "Ctr",
>>       "CurrentModelAttributedConversionValue",
>>       "CurrentModelAttributedConversions",
>>       "CustomerDescriptiveName",
>>       "Description",
>>       "Description1",
>>       "Description2",
>>       "DevicePreference",
>>       "DisplayUrl",
>>       "EngagementRate",
>>       "Engagements",
>>       "EnhancedDisplayCreativeLandscapeLogoImageMediaId",
>>       "EnhancedDisplayCreativeLogoImageMediaId",
>>       "EnhancedDisplayCreativeMarketingImageMediaId",
>>       "EnhancedDisplayCreativeMarketingImageSquareMediaId",
>>       "ExpandedDynamicSearchCreativeDescription2",
>>       "ExpandedTextAdDescription2",
>>       "ExpandedTextAdHeadlinePart3",
>>       "ExternalCustomerId",
>>       "FormatSetting",
>>       "GmailCreativeHeaderImageMediaId",
>>       "GmailCreativeLogoImageMediaId",
>>       "GmailCreativeMarketingImageMediaId",
>>       "GmailForwards",
>>       "GmailSaves",
>>       "GmailSecondaryClicks",
>>       "GmailTeaserBusinessName",
>>       "GmailTeaserDescription",
>>       "GmailTeaserHeadline",
>>       "Headline",
>>       "HeadlinePart1",
>>       "HeadlinePart2",
>>       "Id",
>>       "ImageAdUrl",
>>       "ImageCreativeImageHeight",
>>       "ImageCreativeImageWidth",
>>       "ImageCreativeMimeType",
>>       "ImageCreativeName",
>>       "ImpressionAssistedConversionValue",
>>       "ImpressionAssistedConversions",
>>       "ImpressionAssistedConversionsOverLastClickConversions",
>>       "Impressions",
>>       "InteractionRate",
>>       "InteractionTypes",
>>       "Interactions",
>>       "IsNegative",
>>       "LabelIds",
>>       "Labels",
>>       "LongHeadline",
>>       "MainColor",
>>       "MarketingImageCallToActionText",
>>       "MarketingImageCallToActionTextColor",
>>       "MarketingImageDescription",
>>       "MarketingImageHeadline",
>>       "MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdAccentColor",
>>       "MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdAllowFlexibleColor",
>>       "MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdBusinessName",
>>       "MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdCallToActionText",
>>       "MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdDescriptions",
>>       "MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdDynamicSettingsPricePrefix",
>>       "MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdDynamicSettingsPromoText",
>>       "MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdFormatSetting",
>>       "MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdHeadlines",
>>       "MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdLandscapeLogoImages",
>>       "MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdLogoImages",
>>       "MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdLongHeadline",
>>       "MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMainColor",
>>       "MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdMarketingImages",
>>       "MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdSquareMarketingImages",
>>       "MultiAssetResponsiveDisplayAdYouTubeVideos",
>>       "Path1",
>>       "Path2",
>>       "PercentNewVisitors",
>>       "PolicySummary",
>>       "PricePrefix",
>>       "PromoText",
>>       "ResponsiveSearchAdDescriptions",
>>       "ResponsiveSearchAdHeadlines",
>>       "ResponsiveSearchAdPath1",
>>       "ResponsiveSearchAdPath2",
>>       "ShortHeadline",
>>       "Status",
>>       "SystemManagedEntitySource",
>>       "TopImpressionPercentage",
>>       "UniversalAppAdDescriptions",
>>       "UniversalAppAdHeadlines",
>>       "UniversalAppAdHtml5MediaBundles",
>>       "UniversalAppAdImages",
>>       "UniversalAppAdMandatoryAdText",
>>       "UniversalAppAdYouTubeVideos",
>>       "ValuePerAllConversion",
>>       "ValuePerConversion",
>>       "ValuePerCurrentModelAttributedConversion",
>>       "VideoQuartile100Rate",
>>       "VideoQuartile25Rate",
>>       "VideoQuartile50Rate",
>>       "VideoQuartile75Rate",
>>       "VideoViewRate",
>>       "VideoViews",
>>       "ViewThroughConversions"
>>     ],
>>     "predicates": [],
>>     "dateRange": {
>>       "min": "20200217",
>>       "max": "20200217"
>>     },
>>     "ordering": [],
>>     "paging": null
>>   },
>>   "reportName": "Ad Performance Report",
>>   "reportType": "AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT",
>>   "dateRangeType": "CUSTOM_DATE",
>>   "downloadFormat": "CSV"
>> }
> On Wednesday, February 19, 2020 at 3:02:48 AM UTC+5:30, adsapiforumadvisor 
> wrote:
>> Hi Talha,
>> Thank you for reaching out to us. I see that you’re encountering multiple 
>> rows with the same AdGroupId and Id. This is because Age Range 
>> Performance Report 
>> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/appendix/reports/age-range-performance-report>
>> is a multiple attribution report 
>> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/reporting#multiple_attribution>,
>> which can be thought of as criteria type-specific reports. Thus you may 
>> encounter multiple rows with the same AdGroupId and Id. These multiple 
>> attribution reports should not be aggregated together, however, as it may 
>> double count impressions and clicks. Let me know if you have further 
>> questions.
>> Thank you,
>> Bryan, Google Ads API Team
>> ref:_00D1U1174p._5001UV1OER:ref

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