I just saw mine somewhere recently. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

Midwest Internet Exchange 

The Brothers WISP 

----- Original Message -----

From: ch...@wbmfg.com 
To: "AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group" <af@af.afmug.com> 
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2018 6:32:02 PM 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] [WISPA Members] Dear WISPA... 

Yeahbut, WISPA did not have a cool copper coin to give you when you joined... 

From: Sean Heskett 
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2018 1:31 PM 
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group ; Members ; Claude Aiken ; 
ch...@allpointsbroadband.com ; bo...@wispa.org 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] [WISPA Members] Dear WISPA... 

Hi Ben, 

That is my main point. when i first heard about the lawsuit i didn't think much 
of it because competitors sometimes sue each other and they are both big 
companies and big companies usually build risks like that into their business 
models. When i dug further into the lawsuit and saw that Ubiquiti was going 
after a WISP and a distributor for conspiracy charges that's when all kinds of 
alarm bells went off because that is a whole other ball of wax. 

If you look at the WISPA founding docs (I included some of them with my 
original post) you will see that WISPA was partly formed to bring unity and 
harmony to our industry. At the time of formation we had WISPs fighting 
neighboring WISPs and generally giving our industry a bad name and the optics 
were awful. WISPA really helped bring the community together and we learned how 
to share spectrum and we all jumped in a helped each other solve problems and 
design solutions. That is the WISPA I joined and love. Ubiquiti filing this 
lawsuit alleging conspiracy to hack goes directly against all that we have 
worked for over the years. And if a vendor member is going to treat a WISP 
member this way then what's next? Are WISPs going to start fighting each other 
again and file idiotic lawsuits where no one wins. 

We have A LOT of external battles to fight with competition, government, 
regulation, the FCC etc. We don't need to be fighting against each other and 
that is a core principal of WISPA. That's why I believe a "wait and see" 
approach is misguided. WISPA was created to help bring harmony and unity to all 
it's members. And if us WISP members are expected to treat each other nicely 
then the vendors better treat us the nicely too. 

2 cents 


On Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 11:43 AM, Ben Royer < operati...@royell.net > wrote: 

I think that’s my biggest issue here also. Trying to be as unbiased in the 
matter as possible, the biggest issue I have is that they brought a Dist. and 
WISP into the lawsuit. I think if this was filed solely against Cambium, 
everyone would have gone, ‘oh, that’s interesting, wonder what’s going to 
happen.’ The second they included a Dist. and WISP, I have to think every 
decent minded WISP and Dist. out there is going, ‘Wait, they sued for that? I 
don’t think I want to associate to these people anymore because I don’t want to 
be next.’ I could be wrong, but I feel for the WISP especially in this case. I 
think to speak more to the call to WISPA to take action, my view is this. If 
I’m a WISP, and I join WISPA to better the community, a key component is I’m 
going to share my experience and expertise on certain things. It’s my 
understanding, that’s ALL this WISP did. They tried the product out, reported 
back to the company that sold it to them on how it performed, and then it was 
published. So for another company to come along and say, ‘Wait, you can’t use 
that product and you certainly can’t promote the use of that product’, seems to 
me is the EXACT opposite of what WISPA is about. It’s a VERY slippery slope 
they’ve opened up here. I’m sure the WISP involved isn’t going to publically 
participate in any more studies or open BETA programs. So you have to ask, what 
if people highly trust this WISP, what if a few other highly trusted WISP’s get 
the same treatment and shut down their open sharing of experience. Is our 
industry growing now? Is it benefiting from this? Just my opinion, but THAT’S 
to me, the biggest issue here. 

Thank you, 
Ben Royer, Operations Manager 
Royell Communications, Inc. 
217-965-3699 www.royell.net 

From: Sean Heskett 
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2018 9:35 PM 
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] [WISPA Members] Dear WISPA... 

If ubiquiti want to go after cambium for copyright infringement then by all 
means go for it. But don’t drag Blip into conspiracy charges. 

It would seem WISPA could be a co-conspirator too 

On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 5:41 PM Mark Radabaugh < m...@amplex.net > wrote: 


That’s where I’m curious about the copyright and hacking claims. The loaders 
and many of the tools are open source and/or are supplied by the chipset 



On Aug 15, 2018, at 5:52 PM, Mathew Howard < mhoward...@gmail.com > wrote: 

Yeah... it's not like you can just go download Openwrt, modify it as much as 
you want, without doing anything that even vaguely looks like hacking, and 
flash it on the things... 

On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 4:49 PM Seth Mattinen < se...@rollernet.us > wrote: 

On 8/15/18 14:39, Mike Hammett wrote: 
> https://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot 

Clearly Cambium downloaded the source code for U-Boot and "hacked" 
UBNT's super secret hardware. Because nobody else could possibly boot a 
generic Atheros without hacking and collusion. 

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