I don't know about weird routing. We had our outbound CID set to our toll free for many years.  There was no technical problem that I ever noticed.  We changed that to a local number only because nobody will answer calls from toll free numbers in this age of robodialer spam.

I always did flat rate based on predicted usage, but that was a choice driven by convenience with the current billing system.  I would meter it if I could.  If they prefer flat rate then it would be flat rate up to x minutes and then per minute after that.

On 11/7/2019 12:00 PM, Nate Burke wrote:
Just curious how others are handling charging customers for Toll Free VoIP Service.  Obviously dependent on size (a couple of our radio station customers use $100's per month of TF, and are charged appropriately)

For the average Small business.  Do you include X number of TF minutes with the service.  Pure usage billing every month.  Sell them tiers based on expected usage?

I've also heard that sometimes weird call routing things happen out on the PSTN if you have a TF number set as the outbound caller ID. Do you make the customer have a local number for their outbound calls?  I've never had someone wanting to make their outbound CID a TF until now.


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