Hard to generalize without knowing more.

.....but chances are the VPN server masquerades traffic from the VPN clients, so one difference might be that the VPN server will see your client coming from his private IP, and the adjacent routers might see the client coming from the VPN server's IP.  So on the server, allow access from VPN client IP's.

Depending on what IP you're hitting, this could also be a hairpin NAT scenario.

On 11/18/2019 2:24 PM, Jason McKemie wrote:
I'm having an issue wherein I'm trying to lock down winbox access on some routers so that they are only accessible via VPN. The issue is that I'm still not able to access the router that is acting as the VPN server, adjacent routers work as expected, however. I assume this is misconfiguration. Any ideas where I should look?

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