Yes. We almost never get support calls. Had probably 6 this past week, 
including one I’m emailing with right now. 

Always turns out to be a WiFi issue. 

No idea what’s going on. 

In one case we switched them to a dual band router and all was well on the 

> On Jan 25, 2020, at 10:27 AM, Nate Burke <> wrote:
> It seems I've had a slew of calls this week of people who are only getting 
> 4mb on downloads on, uploads are normal.  The only thing in 
> common is that they are on a WIFI device.  If they are Hardwired, everything 
> seems fine, I can't find any network issues. Tik BW Tests are always fine.  
> Where I can see their in House WIFI, signal/modulation looks ok.  It's always 
> 4mb on the download.  I can watch the traffic graph, and it just flatlines at 
> 4mb with no other latency or packetloss.
> Anyone else seen something similar?
> -- 
> AF mailing list

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