OTOH, maybe all your neighbors are getting an ORBI. Our nearest neighbor is ~~ 300 feet away, and when I scan for WiFi devices, it was always "just us". A month or two ago, I think our nearby neighbor got an ORBI, and now it shows up on a scan. Of course, it's on the same channel as ours...


On 1/25/2020 8:28 AM, Matt Hoppes wrote:
We have had an unusual amount of “WIFI issues” this week. 

Belkin, Netgear and our Cambium routers. 

Literally just got off a call with another fellow who asked if service was down. We troubleshoot and discovered it was just the iPad not connecting. But the iPad has worked before. 

I have no idea what’s going on. 

Issues across multiple counties. All WIFI related. All seem like an interference issue. And some in very rural areas. 

On Jan 25, 2020, at 11:17 AM, Steve Jones <thatoneguyst...@gmail.com> wrote:

I've seen speedtest.net results posted that show an icon for the test histories of connection types. I always wondered what generates that. But my guess would be that whatever the speed test component is that's identifying traffic by connection type is applying some qos profile server-side or some back end update is otherwise limiting results for wireless devices.

Have you had them test with other speedtests?

On Sat, Jan 25, 2020, 9:36 AM Matt Hoppes <mattli...@rivervalleyinternet.net> wrote:
Yes. We almost never get support calls. Had probably 6 this past week, including one I’m emailing with right now.

Always turns out to be a WiFi issue.

No idea what’s going on.

In one case we switched them to a dual band router and all was well on the 5GHz.

> On Jan 25, 2020, at 10:27 AM, Nate Burke <n...@blastcomm.com> wrote:
> It seems I've had a slew of calls this week of people who are only getting 4mb on downloads on speedtest.net, uploads are normal.  The only thing in common is that they are on a WIFI device.  If they are Hardwired, everything seems fine, I can't find any network issues. Tik BW Tests are always fine.  Where I can see their in House WIFI, signal/modulation looks ok.  It's always 4mb on the download.  I can watch the traffic graph, and it just flatlines at 4mb with no other latency or packetloss.
> Anyone else seen something similar?
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