I'm hoping that's the case... what's frustrating is the inability to get proper numbers and information from China... they appear to be using a Sigmoid function to release their death and infection rates -- which of course is totally bogus.

As much as I don't wish ill on anyone, the cruise ships may prove to be vital in fully understanding what this virus is capable of.

I also wonder if some of "the worst Flu season in some time" isn't the result of this thing spreading but not affecting us here in the U.S. as much. I just spoke with a doctor friend of mine yesterday who said she and her husband had some kind of terrible chest illness for a week or so where they would just cough up a wet gunk.

On 2/10/20 11:03 AM, Bill Prince wrote:
Starting a new thread to make this discussion off topic.

I had my flu shot BTW. No fever here.

Still zero reported deaths in the US, and only about a dozen actual infections. I am still thinking this is not a big deal. Novel Coronavirus appears to be more infectious than SARS, but not particularly deadly.

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