Notice they removed the number of cases in each state and just changed it to yes/no.... hard to plan with that, eh?

On 2/10/20 11:20 AM, Steve Jones wrote:

Here in Illinois they are scare mongering. They announce that Champaign Urbana potentially has coronavirus, there are a couple PUI But when you get far down into the articles  they make a point of skimming over the fact that they expanded the PUI criteria. eventually theyre just going to expand it to six degrees of kevin bacon so they can basically say everyone is a PUI and the entirety of the US is under observation. Its a joke and people are sheep

On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 10:09 AM Matt Hoppes < <>> wrote:

    I'm hoping that's the case... what's frustrating is the inability to
    proper numbers and information from China... they appear to be using a
    Sigmoid function to release their death and infection rates -- which of
    course is totally bogus.

    As much as I don't wish ill on anyone, the cruise ships may prove to be
    vital in fully understanding what this virus is capable of.

    I also wonder if some of "the worst Flu season in some time" isn't the
    result of this thing spreading but not affecting us here in the U.S. as
    much.  I just spoke with a doctor friend of mine yesterday who said she
    and her husband had some kind of terrible chest illness for a week
    or so
    where they would just cough up a wet gunk.

    On 2/10/20 11:03 AM, Bill Prince wrote:
     > Starting a new thread to make this discussion off topic.
     > I had my flu shot BTW. No fever here.
     > Still zero reported deaths in the US, and only about a dozen actual
     > infections. I am still thinking this is not a big deal. Novel
     > Coronavirus appears to be more infectious than SARS, but not
     > particularly deadly.

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