the two in chicago recovered

On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 10:28 AM Steve Jones <>

> China is just collecting more souls for the terracotta army. stop
> listening to the other far flung conspiracy theories, I know this to be
> fact because there is a whole pinterest board about it
> On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 10:26 AM Adam Moffett <> wrote:
>> The thing driving me nuts right now is that literally everything is a
>> "conspiracy".
>> Sometimes stuff happens, nobody did it on purpose, and nobody has the
>> whole picture of what happened until more time passes.  In the interim
>> there's a lot of conflicting information going around. People latch onto
>> early bits of information that turn out to be wrong and they won't let
>> go of them.
>> Coronavirus was created by the Chinese to distract press from Hong Kong
>> Coronavirus was created by the USA to defeat China in a trade war
>> Coronavirus was created by Budweiser to discredit Mexican Lager (I mean
>> that one's obviously a joke.....right?)
>> Coronavirus will kill us all and we must all stock our survival bunkers.
>> China is hiding all the information about Coronavirus.  Really? Or maybe
>> they just don't have a live real-time omniscient feed of all information
>> so they're reporting what they think is true at the time it's said, or
>> maybe rumors on Facebook aren't all true.
>> See Hanlon's Razor and Occam's Razor.
>> On 2/10/2020 11:03 AM, Bill Prince wrote:
>> > Starting a new thread to make this discussion off topic.
>> >
>> > I had my flu shot BTW. No fever here.
>> >
>> > Still zero reported deaths in the US, and only about a dozen actual
>> > infections. I am still thinking this is not a big deal. Novel
>> > Coronavirus appears to be more infectious than SARS, but not
>> > particularly deadly.
>> >
>> --
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