On Sun, Mar 1, 2020, 9:52 AM Steve Jones <thatoneguyst...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The test "kits" the media spews on about not existing. Not the programatic
> systems sent out to labs. There is no field test. "Test kits" arent a first
> responder tool.
> That article is a prime example of "hoax" indicates the tests werent
> working, caused a delay, etc. They did work, for covid19, flawlessly, they
> simply false positive on others. Now thats the test theyre using, they just
> dont tide the others.
> On Sun, Mar 1, 2020, 9:38 AM Ken Hohhof <af...@kwisp.com> wrote:
>> If there aren’t test kits, what is in this photo?
>> https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/after-missteps-cdc-says-its-coronavirus-test-kit-ready-primetime-n1145206
>> If this is a fake media hoax, it’s a very detailed one.  Look at the
>> label on the box, the labels on the vials, and the attribution of the photo.
>> *From:* AF <af-boun...@af.afmug.com> *On Behalf Of *Steve Jones
>> *Sent:* Sunday, March 1, 2020 9:24 AM
>> *To:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <af@af.afmug.com>
>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT shall we start a pool
>> The cdc does the majority of the testing... that is the federal response.
>> Thats been available. Illinois has turned up a few labs capable of teating
>> the samples. There arent "test kits". State level testing is a state
>> responsibility, not federal. So yes, washington state did fuck this up
>> willfully.
>> Specific testing aside, states have been supposed to be practicing
>> response for decades. Containment protocols arent specific to this disease,
>> literally the same as flu response. The federal government can put out all
>> the guidance you can dream of, but if the local providers dont do it, its
>> useless.
>> My wife works at a hospital and was pissed as she walked down the iso
>> hallway yesterday and all the doors were opened. You going to blame trump
>> for that too?
>> She fails her fit test every year for the mask because of her face shape,
>> as does roughly 25 percent of the country. Is that a federal responsibility
>> too? Should the fed come in and reshape faces so everyones n95 mask
>> actually works?
>> State departments of public health are supposed to maintain an active
>> list of potential oveflow and quarantine facilities, thats a requirement of
>> some of the disaster response funding they recieve. Thats been in play for
>> over 20 years that im personally aware of.
>> If the existing systems that were designed and implemented specifically
>> for prepared response to boilogics, we would have virtually zero risk of a
>> pandemic ever going beyond the nusiance stage.
>> On Sun, Mar 1, 2020, 12:42 AM Robert <i...@avantwireless.com> wrote:
>> All of _what_ has been done.   In Washington state they just announced
>> that they don't have resources to test any but the worst cases.   That's
>> with only 7-10 cases identified as needing testing.   You couldn't fu'k
>> this up any worse if you were trying to!   The "most advanced" country in
>> the world isn't doing a lot better than Iran at this point...
>> On 2/29/20 4:38 PM, Steve Jones wrote:
>> All that has been done. Thats ongoing, always has been.
>> More testing? Of whom?
>> On Sat, Feb 29, 2020, 6:06 PM Ken Hohhof <af...@kwisp.com> wrote:
>> Well, it would be nice to see more preparation.  Not testing more people
>> was bad, we can’t unspill that milk.
>> There should be extra hospital beds being identified, and triage
>> facilities with properly protected healthcare workers, so people who think
>> they are infected don’t just walk into their doctor or hospital’s waiting
>> room.
>> Maybe I’m the only one, but I honestly don’t know what I am supposed to
>> do if I get sick.  Call the doctor?  Stay inside and see how bad it gets?
>> Go get tested?  Where?
>> South Korea and parts of the UK have set up drive-through testing
>> facilities where you don’t leave your car.  That sounds like maybe a good
>> thing.  Or let me swab my own throat and have someone bring it somewhere
>> for testing.  Then if the test comes back positive, what am I supposed to
>> do?
>> Maybe this is where telemedicine comes in.
>> *From:* AF <af-boun...@af.afmug.com> *On Behalf Of *Steve Jones
>> *Sent:* Saturday, February 29, 2020 5:44 PM
>> *To:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <af@af.afmug.com>
>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT shall we start a pool
>> Its been close to 60 days here, the pond should be overflowing
>> On Sat, Feb 29, 2020, 5:40 PM Matt Hoppes <
>> mattli...@rivervalleyinternet.net> wrote:
>> I’m not panicking yet.
>> I’m *probably* attending the show. We’ll see where things end up in two
>> weeks.
>> I’m seriously considering bowing out of MuM and an event the month after
>> at this point though. We shall see.
>> Remember the lily pad problem:
>> A single lily pad is on a pond and the number double every day. In 28
>> days the entire pond will be covered. It’s on day 27 that only half the
>> pond is covered. Days 1-26 look pretty calm.
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