Title: Re: [AFMUG] OT Virus
This all started with CNN years and years ago.  They were the first 24/7 news channel.  Even back then there wasn't enough news to cover 24/7.  They ran a 2-3 hour loop and just added a few stories as they came up.  I believe the main goal back then was to give people access to the news when they wanted it.  They didn't have to wait till 6 or 11.  They could turn on CNN watch it for 30 minutes and get caught up.  No one in their right mind would leave it on all day, that would be torture.

Fast forward now and we have way too many 24/7 hours "news" channels competing for advertising dollars.  There just isn't enough natural content to support all these channels, so they just have to fill it in with completely made up shit.  So on any of these channels you get about 45% made up shit, 45% advertising, 10% real news.  Of the real news, it is usually spun to promote the 45% of made up shit.

They have to get eyeballs or they don't get the $.  They exist now to get you into a team mentally.  Has to be US vs THEM.  Tune in today to see what the THEM is doing.  The THEM are against you.  The THEM are responsible for all your problems.  If you don't have any problems, just wait the THEM are going to give you some.  The THEM are going to take things away from you.  The THEM are going to give your things to someone else.  Keep watching us so we can explain to you what the THEM are going to do to you next.

It doesn't matter if you watch CNN, MSNBC, FOX, Bloomberg, PBS, etc.  They are all the same.    

Can't watch TV, no problem you can learn about the THEM on various podcast or talk radio shows.  

The line between news and entertainment no longer exists.  I would love to have tho old boring news back.  The news where if they didn't know something, they would say "We are waiting on further details and will report them to you as soon as possible."   Now if something is unknown we get a panel of "experts" that will just make shit up and spin it to their agenda.  By the time they are done talking, you can remember what really happen vs what they want you to think has happened.

Best regards,

Myakka Technologies, Inc.


Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 10:25:32 PM, you wrote:

The best thing that may come of this is the media may finally be held to account. This is a time the nation should be coming together and the media is openly trying to divide. Both sides of the aisle, have stated this over and over. Maybe we will just have a media reset, all the "journalists" and pundits rounded up and summarily executed. Restart the whole thing with the foreknowledge that freedom of the press only goes so far. When it gets too far out of hand we just zero out the balance. If all of CNN and fox people's heads were on pikes in front of their HQ, I bet the new journalists would think long and hard about integrity
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