This... This is why I love you guys.

Christopher Tyler
Senior Network Engineer

Total Highspeed Internet Solutions
1091 W. Kathryn Street
Nixa, MO 65714
(417) 851-1107 x. 9002

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Adam Moffett" <>
> To: "AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group" <>
> Sent: Friday, March 13, 2020 8:33:20 AM
> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] COVID-19 and WISPAmerica

> Well you don't need any other supplies if you have enough ammo. If you run out
> of something you just go shoot your neighbor and take his stuff. Ten thousand
> rounds sounds like a lot, but it's not when you have 300,000,000 neighbors.
> </jk>
> On 3/13/2020 8:57 AM, Lewis Bergman wrote:
> I wonder, does buying an AR count as moronic behavior? I get the more ammo
> thing, 10,000 rounds seems a bit much but to each his own. Don't get me wrong,
> I have a few guns around and maybe a couple thousand rounds.
> I just think back to when I was a machine gunner in the Marine Corps. We had 
> a 3
> man crew for the 50 cal M2. The one guy carrying the receiver carried no ammo
> as he was already carrying 60 pounds of metal in addition to everything else 
> he
> had. The other two carried 100 rounds each. 200 rounds for a fully automaitc
> machine gun tasked with the a major part of the fire power on a company level
> for either defense or attack. In addition, the rifle platoons each carried 1
> box (100 rounds) per squad (13 guys) 3 squads per platoon so a total of 300
> rounds per platoon. 3 platoons per company. so an additional 900 rounds for a
> total of 1100 rounds standard. The company commander might throw in a couple 
> of
> extra boxes per platoon if we didn't have to move more than 15 miles or so. So
> call it 2100 rounds on the outside. That is for a known or intenional
> engagement. Nothing works out like you expect so sometimes you go to kill
> someone and nobodies home. Sometimes they aren't where you expect. Whatever.
> The point is that you are looking for a fight and you are carrying at most 
> 2100
> rounds. Now, if we were lucky enough to drive around in a humvee we carried
> about the same amount of ammo, but with us instead of spread around. Closer to
> 1800 to 2000 rounds.
> Of course there is a supply chain and if the battle is protracted you can 
> count
> on resupply unless everything really goes South. I know you are counting on no
> supply chain. But man, you are either the worst shot ever, or don't plan on
> doing a lot of aiming or maybe a lot of warning shots. In my experience, once
> the first guy gets shot, a lot less ammo gets used by everyone after the
> initial panic. Seeing someone get shot seems to really encourage people to 
> hide
> more.
> That makes me think, it wasn't that long ago, but I would imagine with all the
> drones equipped with heat signature equipment and the like, the fog of war 
> aint
> what it used to be. We used to count on finding the enemy by sending people 
> out
> to look for them. When you heard a bunch of gunfire, you ran towards it 
> because
> that meant somebody found what you were lookiing for. Seems really low tech
> now.
> On Thu, Mar 12, 2020 at 11:05 PM Steve Jones < [
> | ] > wrote:
> I went to walmart. Morons everywhere. This is a frenzy. People acting dumb,
> means people will shortly do dumb things. I went and bought an AR and more 
> ammo
> tonite. I just hope these morons stay calm at least till Monday when God
> government let's me pick up the rifle. Wife shut me down on grabbing a 20 
> gauge
> with a pistol grip for the kids. What I buy tomorrow and dont tell her about 
> is
> a different story.
> Was talking to the lady at walmart. The truck was outside unloading into the
> warehouse more TP and ramen noodles. It will be wash rinse and repeat every 
> day
> as morons moron. They're frantic. The media has people so worked up, it's like
> the world is ending tomorrow.
> I have kids, so I get a fat gubmint check every tax time and fill my pantry 
> with
> nonperishable goods on your dime. It was nice to see that the canned foods we
> picked pretty clean, at least some people do have some common sense. But doing
> an annual shop in the middle of this nonsense is grueling. I had to cut out
> halfway through. These people are crazy.
> I do have my camper ready to quarantine myself. By that, I mean I'm planning 
> on
> sitting in my camper drinking Miller lite, Jameson, and shitposting for 2 
> weeks
> On Thu, Mar 12, 2020, 9:54 PM Robert < [ |
> ] > wrote:
> The interesting part of that was that Italy was 3rd behind China and S. 
> Korea. I
> would love a plot of that vs. Emergency beds/breathers...
> On 3/12/20 6:13 PM, Bill Prince wrote:
> Per Vox Media. We're number 1 (in lack of testing). So we are pretty much in 
> the
> dark.
> The Trump administration’s slow rollout of testing for coronavirus has become
> something of a national scandal, and it’s easy to see why when you compare the
> US testing rate to that of other affected countries. South Korea stands out 
> for
> its rapid rollout of extensive testing, including through innovative
> drive-through testing programs.
> Drive-through testing is being piloted in some parts of the US, like New
> Hampshire, but we still have a long way to go before we match South Korean and
> Chinese testing levels.
> bp
> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
> On 3/12/2020 6:06 PM, Robert wrote:
> i.e. Ostrich syndrome, the US had it bad. Still has it bad. The one bright 
> note
> I saw today was the director of the CDC getting put in a corner to commit to
> free testing for C-19 for every person in the US. No need to actually work on
> the actuals of it but the commitment is primary unless someone fires him...
> On 3/12/20 9:55 AM, Bill Prince wrote:
> IMO, I think disbanding the pandemic response team in 2018 was not a wise
> decision. If they were still operating when this started late last year, they
> could/would have started the production of test kits based on our earliest
> knowledge of the RNA test needed to identify it. Then we would have had real
> information on the extent of the outbreak here. Instead, we went for weeks
> under the mistaken impression that it was not here. It was, we just had our
> heads in the sand.
> bp
> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
> On 3/12/2020 9:48 AM, [ | ] wrote:
> I am going to do a cheap shot here and remind everyone it is lent.
> But before I do that, I am musing about the following:
> But I am curious as to what more the US could have done...
> If we dropped the ball so did many nations.
> No need to reply.
> From: Jaime Solorza
> Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2020 10:44 AM
> To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group
> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] COVID-19 and WISPAmerica
> I agree with Carl.
> Most of you understand math...this virus is spreading exponentially...let that
> sink in. Our current administration dropped the ball on this one. Now we are
> suffering the consequences.
> You can't cure ....wait for it....wait for it..... ineptness.
> On Wed, Mar 11, 2020, 12:35 PM Carl Peterson < >
> wrote:
> Canceling or rescheduling a conference is by no means "Breaking down the
> infrastructure of society".
> On Wed, Mar 11, 2020 at 1:27 PM Steve Jones < > 
> wrote:
> Breaking down the infrastructure of society over fear mongering is not being a
> very responsible member of society at all. This didnt happen during swine flu,
> and we made it though it
> On Wed, Mar 11, 2020 at 1:19 PM Carl Peterson < >
> wrote:
> "If you're concerned about getting sick, just don't go."
> IMHO, it isn't about you, it is about being a responsible member of society. 
> I'm
> not judging, or saying we are at that point, but there is a point at which the
> responsible thing to do is cancel large gatherings to flatten the curve.
> On Wed, Mar 11, 2020 at 1:15 PM Josh Luthman < >
> wrote:
> If you're concerned about getting sick, just don't go.
> Josh Luthman
> Office: 937-552-2340
> Direct: 937-552-2343
> 1100 Wayne St
> Suite 1337
> Troy, OH 45373
> On Wed, Mar 11, 2020 at 1:59 PM Sean Heskett < > wrote:
> I’m sorry folks but this conference really should be canceled for the safety 
> of
> everyone.
> Thank you to Sonar For their brave decision yesterday to pull out.
> I know this would be a hardship for WISPA’s finances so I think we should all
> pull together to make sure WISPA doesn’t suffer financially. We need WISPA and
> our members to be healthy and strong both physically and financially.
> [
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> ]
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> Best regards,
> -Sean
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