Soap and water actually works better than the sanitizer. The sanitizer is really handy if you are on the road or something, but soap and water is the best.


On 3/13/2020 8:25 AM, Ken Hohhof wrote:
Trying to put this in the best light, maybe people are preparing for 2+ weeks 
of home quarantine.  But I would run out of food before I ran out of toilet 

I would like to think that society isn't going to break down to the point where 
I couldn't get Amazon to deliver a box of pasta and canned goods, or get 
someone to bring me some bread and milk and leave it on the porch.

Hand sanitizer though, all the shelves are empty.  Again, I'd like to think 
stores are going to get restocked with the stuff people are panic buying.  This 
is not going to be over in the next month.  Please tell me there will be more 
hand sanitizer, toilet paper, pasta and canned peaches, and we're not living in 
a Mad Max movie.

If somebody's grandparents are stuck in their house for 14 days and can't get 
basic supplies delivered because other people scooped everything up, well, that 
would suck.

-----Original Message-----
From: AF <> On Behalf Of Seth Mattinen
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2020 9:25 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] COVID-19 and WISPAmerica

On 3/13/20 6:33 AM, Carl Peterson wrote:
And yes, stocking up on ammunition is moronic behavior.  Spend the
money on some extra dry goods you could share with your neighbors in
the event that they need help.  WWJD

That requires rational thought. The people that think the best response to all 
of this is to purchase mass quantities of toilet paper aren't exactly top of 
the smarts chain.

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