As this whole COVID-19 thing evolves, there are emerging numerous anomalies WRT cases vs population vs deaths.

At this point, it looks like Italy (population 60 million) has the highest per capita cases and deaths (35,713 cases, 2,978 deaths). In a few days, their fatality rate will exceed China's).

The US is an outlier with a population of 360 million, yet only 10,755 cases, and only 154 deaths. This is probably a massive under-count driven by the lack of testing.

Russia with a population of 140 million has had only 199 cases and 1 death. Does anyone think this is real?

India with a population of 1.3 billion has had only 184 cases and 4 deaths. Seriously?

I could go on and on. This is going to get more interesting as it goes.

For the last week or so, new cases have been staring to  exceed 16,000 per day.



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